Show of hands. Who HATES when their child with #Autism is sick? Here’s our story.
Show of hand people... Who HATES when their child with #Autism gets sick? Isn't it just the worst thing... Here's my story about our sick little one...
Show of hand people... Who HATES when their child with #Autism gets sick? Isn't it just the worst thing... Here's my story about our sick little one...
What does this mean for us? I just don't have any idea, what we're going to do at this point.
We should know something about the van today. Essentially, we're going to find out if we are going to be able to recover it or if it's a total wash.
There was a million things running through my head as I entered his room. I was panicking because I thought he was in pain and for him to be that upset, it had to really bad.
There is a section of his Math homework that is actually testing his ability to read the directions. The questions are simple and the answers are pretty obvious and located directly in the directions.
I don't care that anyone has a difference of opinion. I think it's our differences that make the world go round. What I can have a tough time with is the people who act as though they know our story because they've read a few posts and then begin to be openly critical about something I've said or done.
This is hugely positive for me and I'm so grateful that this might be fixed, as soon as Wednesday. I'm trying to remain optimistic about everything and keep moving forward. :-)
It's not easy to be positive, at least for me. That being said, I need to focus on what I'm going to do to make this better and being negative about all of this isn't going to help me do that.