Keep calm and don’t judge
There have been plenty of times that I've found myself issuing judgment. When I realize this, I remind myself of the plethora of reasons I don't want to do that.
There have been plenty of times that I've found myself issuing judgment. When I realize this, I remind myself of the plethora of reasons I don't want to do that.
The big concern right now is fluids. He needs to not only in get them but he also needs to keep them down. Obviously, we're going to have to increase his fluid intake today and with any luck, this will pass without consequence.
If you remember when Gavin had his first and most dangerous Autonomic Crisis, it was triggered by vomiting. That was in May of 2012 and he hasn't vomited since then.
I know in my heart that I'm doing everything I possibly can for my family. I won't let anyone, who hasn't walked a mile in my shoes, get to me. It's easy to read a few posts and think you know better than those on the ground and in the trenches.
One of the things that we want to do is move away from the commercial side of Christmas and teach the kids that the holiday isn't always about getting presents. That being said, we will need to prepare them for that in advance
I also just got off the phone with my parents. They want to take Lizze and I out to dinner. This is really cool as well and it will be so nice to have adult conversation. A person can only take so much Lego, Mario and My Little Pony talk be for they go nuts. :-)
When I saw Emmett and Maggie this morning, I was instantly transported back in time to when I was first asked that question. It's just kinda interesting how some things never change. :-)
In Elliott’s latest post, he has a very special Christmas message for his readers. Please be sure to stop by and check it out. :-)