Suffering – Lizze is having a really rough day
Life isn't being kind to Lizze. It's so hard to watch someone you love suffering..... I wanted to give you a brief update on how Lizze is doing from my perspective...
Life isn't being kind to Lizze. It's so hard to watch someone you love suffering..... I wanted to give you a brief update on how Lizze is doing from my perspective...
We are knee deep into Gavin's 14 Birthday and he's got something he wants to share with you.
The anonymous man who inspired a mother of a 3-year-old girl with autism to write about him in an open letter that went viral is from New Jersey. Shanell Mouland posted the letter on her website, "Go Team Kate," after traveling with her family from…
Gavin turns 14 today and this is an extra special birthday. I want to share why that is.
Guess who's been up since 3 am and didn't go to school today... Please pray for my sanity (^_-)
Lizze and I went sock shopping for Emmett today... Not a fun job. Any of you have issues with buying clothes for your child with SPD and/or Autism?
I'm having to face the very painful reality that my son is continuing to deteriorate and it breaks my heart. This is what happened tonight. :-(
FAIR LAWN — Changes to a state program may force a 41-year-old diagnosed with autism and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder out of his house, Fair Lawn Patch reported. The state Division of Developmental Disabilities sent a letter to Scott Feldman on…