DO THEY REALLY WANT TO KNOW THE TRUTH – What do you say when someone asks “How are you doing?”
When someone asks a special needs parent, "how are you doing", what do you think that most people are honest with their answers? Why or why not?
When someone asks a special needs parent, "how are you doing", what do you think that most people are honest with their answers? Why or why not?
Raising a child with #Autism isn't easy, especially when communication is limited. Today was one of those days for us. My heart broke for Emmett today. :-(
It's important to understand that this picture is of just one moment. It doesn't represent what life is always like. What it does is help to humanize Autism and that's extremely important.
Show of hands. Who here hates homework? We had a massive meltdown tonight over homework...... Here's our story...
What it feels like for me to be the only one in my family without special needs
Out of desperation to get my kids to eat lunch at school, I'm trying something new. Hopefully, this will work and Elliott and Emmett won't go hungry anymore.
You will not believe what Emmett said AND did today....
It's one of those days where my only real goal is making it through the day. Do you ever have that type of day?