It’s a really big week and this is why
It's a really big week and this is why
It's a really big week and this is why
Gavin's very clearly in a psychotic break
Gavin's been living in his visibly challenged world all day so far.. It's getting a little frustrating for his brothers who want to spend time with him. It's really hard to know what to do because it's not good that Gavin has lost touch with reality but at the same time, there isn't much we can do about it right now. Our best option is to let him go for a little while and simply make sure that we pull him back out of his world after a little while and sorta encourage him to engage in reality and do something with his brothers. This is so exhausting because there's no clear cut, right or wrong answers here. It's just as easy, if not easier to the do the wrong…
A Mother's Love, Caring for a Child with Autism
If you were to walk into my house at any given time, you would find many things. Among them, the floor covered with toys and the kitchen with a sink full of dirty dishes. If you ventured into the basement you would see a mountain of dirty laundry patiently waiting to be washed. Look around some more and you would find unmade beds, stacks of unpaid bills and even some shut off notices. Some people would look at this and judging me, say that this is a reflection of me as a parent or my ability to take care of my family. To those people, I say thank you. Why in the world would I thank someone for saying something like that? The answer is both simple and complex all…