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For every subscription that is created, $2.75 comes right back to Lost and Tired. That will help to keep me online and provide for my family, all while helping the Special Needs Community.
For every subscription that is created, $2.75 comes right back to Lost and Tired. That will help to keep me online and provide for my family, all while helping the Special Needs Community.
What sleep looks like for this Special Needs Father
Has anyone had they're child with #Autism repeat a grade? I could really use some advice..
It appears that sexually inappropriate behavior is making a comeback. This is not a good thing.
Trying to be positive today keyword is "Trying" :-)
My crappy day had a positive ending.. Check this out
I can't stay online without your help. Please take a minute and see if there is a way that you can help. There are tons of ways to help that don't cost you a dime, although donations in any amount are welcome.
Check out what Emmett figured out today. MAJOR Victory..