I’m losing interest in all the things I once enjoyed

It's been a pretty rough couple of days. Scratch that. It's been a pretty rough year. I'm feeling a great deal of pressure right now and it doesn't look to be getting better, anytime soon. I'm fact, it's likely to only get worse. School is getting closer and closer and I'm getting more and more nervous about this whole distance learning thing. I don't really worry so much about the kids because I believe they can totally handle this. I'm nervous that I won't be able to handle this. I've been working a lot the last few days but unfortunately, it's not translating into much financially, at the moment. That fact alone has me unable to sleep at night. I know that literally millions and millions of people are dealing…

Read more about the article Just a Quick Update
Photo by Pressmaster on Pexels.com

Just a Quick Update

I wanted to let you guys know that there will not be an a new podcast episode dropped on Friday, August 7th. I'm getting a little bit behind in life and simply didn't have a chance to finish it and meet my admittedly obsessive standards. My goal is to get it out for next week. Photo by Pressmaster on Pexels.com I have some recordings scheduled for this week and next. With the boys starting school, I'm not entirely sure what my schedule is going to look like. Anyway, just wanted to provide a heads up. Just because there won't be a new release, doesn't mean you can still listen tomorrow. There's about 60 episodes prior to this next one that you can get caught up on. Simply visit listen.theautismdad.com.


Distance learning for the first time is pretty f*cking scary

School is getting closer and closer and I'm getting nervous. We will be distance learning for the first time because there isn't a snowballs chance in hell that I would put my kids in a classroom right now. I know it's the right thing to do but I'm questioning whether I'm the right person for the job. Unfortunately, I'm the only person for the job, so I don't really have a choice. Everyone is stressed out and lockdown is continuing to take its toll. The house setup is not really conducive to distance learning and I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet. Using the dining room table is probably the easiest solution but the boys may end up distracting each other if I don't separate them. Ideally, they'd…


Navigating The In-Between

So last night was pretty rough. We're coming up on the one year mark since Lizze moved out and while I feel like the kids are doing better, there's still a tremendous amount of pain. Each of the kids deal with everything in different ways. Gavin simply accepts whatever he's told, never questioning anything. Emmett doesn't want to make waves, so he largely avoids any type of conflict but is angry. Elliott accepts nothing and keeps everything bottled up until he explodes. It was like an emotional nuclear bomb exploded in my living room last night. Elliott unloaded a great deal of what he's been keeping inside and all I could really do was listen. I don't agree with everything he said but I won't take away how he feels.…


150 days of #COVID19 lockdown and the #depression is real

The boys and I have been on lockdown for 150 days today. It's crazy to think it's been this long and it's even crazier to think we could be looking at almost another year before we get access to a vaccine. While we're all safe and healthy, that doesn't mean we're doing great. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for everyone's health, including my own but the isolation is taking a toll. Everyone is impacted differently. Elliott and Emmett are very short tempered anymore and struggle emotionally. Gavin is struggling emotionally, which leads to decompensation in other areas of his life. As for myself, there's no two ways about it, I'm depressed. Depression is definitely kicking my ass right now but I'm still fighting. Some days I fight harder than…

Read more about the article How to Maintain a Stunning Garden as a Busy Parent
Photo by Jill Wellington on Pexels.com

How to Maintain a Stunning Garden as a Busy Parent

As a busy parent, it’s a win if you can keep the kitchen clean for more than five seconds. Other areas of the home, like the garden, just seem to take a back seat more often than not. That is such a big mistake. Not because it’s a chore, you need to check off on your list, but because your garden is an oasis of wellness. Getting out there and yes, even working to maintain it does wonders towards your wellbeing and mental health. Make it your downtime hobby, and get your family involved. With this excellent guide, you’ll be able to do it all, no matter how busy you are as a working parent or full-time caretaker. Photo by Jill Wellington on Pexels.com Get Your Children Involved If you…

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We basically have 2 weeks before school begins

School supplies have started to arrive for Emmett. Elliott already received a textbook and laptop a few weeks back. Emmett received books, art supplies, a science kit and his laptop. The math workbook is enormous. We have about 2 weeks left before school is supposed to begin and frankly, I'm nervous. Things are already so challenging and that's without having to try and manage distance learning. At this point, I'm not even sure what's going to happen in Ohio. It's not yet been decided as far as I know. I suspect the school year will at the very least, be delayed. We'll have to see what happens and how it impacts us. For right now however, I'm just hoping that I can pull this off. I told Gavin that we…

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