Personal injury – will your claim be accepted?

If you have been injured through no fault of your own, you may have wondered whether you have the right to claim compensation - especially where companies are involved (for example, you may wonder how to file a lawsuit against walmart or how to start a claim against a museum or cinema chain). These queries are normal. Let’s look at some considerations surrounding whether your claim will be accepted. Duty of care The duty of a care is a real thing that you may never have considered. The basics of the duty of care are that no matter where you are and what you are doing (as long as you are outside of your own home), there is an expectation that the landlord / proprietor / local authority will have…


Quick Update On Gavin’s Condition

It's been a long stressful day but when is it not, right? I wanted to drop a quick update on Gavin's situation because I have some news. After a many phone calls and several attempted workarounds, Gavin's new lab orders were faxed to Akron Children's Hospital. By the time we got there, it was pushing 1pm. Gavin did great, as usual and we're currently waiting in the results. It's frustrating because I hate waiting, especially considering the stakes but hopefully, by the time you read this, we'll have some answers. Not much else to say at this point because today has been consumed with getting this addressed. I told you it would be quick.


I’m really worried about his test results

We have a rather eventful week a head of us. The direction it takes will largely depend on the results of Gavin's labwork Monday. Background: If you recall, Gavin's labs from this past week were so concerning that we're retesting to make sure they're correct. So much is so drastically wrong that we need to rule out lab error. Gavin's not exeriencing any obvious problems and he's not complaining about anything. With how bad these labs were, he should be in pretty rough shape. Until we know for sure though, we aren't taking any chances and have locked down even tighter. End Background This will go one of two ways. Gavin's labs will either come back normal and we move forward or they will come back problematic and require immediate…


Helping my #autistic son manage his own routine and schedule

One of the things I really need to invest more time into is helping Gavin manage his routine. He does pretty good with major things like brushing his teeth or taking his meds. That's a awesome because those are both very important things. The stuff he really struggles with is everything in between. He so easily loses track or time or gets lost in what he's doing. He's been telling me lately that his imagination takes over. Gavin needs frequent reminders in order to stay on task and not drift too far off course. I mentioned before that I'm using visual prompts and check lists to help him remember but I'm always looking for better ways to help him navigate life. Sure, it's fun laminating things but there's no point…


I heard back from Gavin’s immunologist

I heard from Gavin's doctor this afternoon and I'm not surprised by the approach we're taking. Basically, Gavin's labs are messed up enough that we need to verify their accuracy. The plan is to redo his labs on Monday. The results will trickle in either that day or the following. If everything is fine, then we can breathe. If these come back the same, I'm not sure what we're going to do. If the results are confirmed, it would appear that there is something potentially very serious going on with Gavin. Until we figure out what is happening, I'm assuming the worst. Normally, I would not do that, or at least try not to do that. In this particular case, assuming the results are correct will require me to take…


It’s been an okay day

The boys have been having a quiet morning. The stress level in the house is down a bit and we're getting a breather. Lizze is filling out all the paperwork for the boys and then I'll get everything submitted. As soon as the school gets the paperwork, the boys will get their schedules and their Chromebooks. Lizze and her mom will pick everything up and drop it off as soon as it's ready. She wants to help and I'm grateful. Elliott snuggling Ruby Until we know more about Gavin's situation, we are locking down even tighter. Speaking of Gavin, I've not been able to get ahold of his immunologist all week. I've left messages and have not heard back. I hope everything is okay because they are in one of…


We made a major decision about this school year

Let me start by saying, I hate everything about this school year. I hate how our kids and teachers have been put in impossible situations because our leadership won't take COVID seriously and do what needs be done in order to get us through this. That being said, we've made a major decision in regards to school for the boys. While I can go into more detail at a later time, Lizze and I agreed to pull the kids from their current school and put them back into their old school. After 2 weeks of technical issues, the kids literally crying and me on the brink of a fucking stroke, I decided this wasn't going to work. The reality is that the entirety of this responsibility falls on me. It's…


Please keep Gavin in your thoughts and prayers

I'm going to make this quick because my brain is completely fried and the rest of me is equally as exhausted. Gavin's labs came back today and some of the results appear to be very concerning. The reason I say appear to be concerning is because I'm not a doctor and I have only a basic understanding of how to read this. There are several areas that are concerning to me. Gavin's IgG level is 358 and the normal range is 578 to 1228. His IgM level is 20 and the normal range is 23 to 166. Gavin's IgA level is 24 and the normal range is 59 to 337. On the surface this looks bad, especially considering he had his IVIG infusion less than 24 hours before his labs…

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