Have I said how much I hate 2020?

Emmett's not been having a good week in regards to school. He's been in a fever flare for going on a week now and that's likely contributing to his struggles. As crazy as it sounds, I hadn't put two and two together until this morning. He's been doing well since returning to his old school. This morning he woke up not feeling well and I tried to help him work through it but he's miserable, so I let him go back to sleep. The antivirals haven't really helped reduce this particular flare yet and he's still in a lot of pain. At least he can find some relief if he sleeps. I called the school and Emmett will do on today's work when he wakes up. There's a lesson learned…

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It’s been a heartbreaking day

Remote learning is like a fucking emotional roller-coaster for everyone involved, but especially for our kiddos on the autism spectrum. We have had our ups and downs but today was a particularly challenging. I stopped working today, which is hugely problematic, in order to help Emmett navigate his schoolwork. For some reason, he was completely overwhelmed by the tasks on the screen before him. There's a million reasons he's overwhelmed but I don't know what pushed him over the edge today. How many of you out there have seen similar with your own kids lately? It's currently 3pm and I've been trying to help him work through his anxiety, frustration and whatever else he's feeling that I can't see on the surface, all day now. Remote learning is a necessary…


I stepped outside of my comfort zone and spoke my mind because it matters

I've said this before and while it may not appear this way on the surface, I'm way too self-conscious to enjoy appearing on TV. That said, I've been doing it anyway because some things are more important than my comfort level. I will continue to do so when the opportunity presents itself because I want to make a difference and do my part. Today was one of those days. I was asked by my friends at ABC News Live to speak again, but this time to how I feel about the current status of COVID19 and the news of Donald Trump being infected. I know many like to steer clear of politics but unfortunately, we no longer have the luxury of standing on the side lines, pretending like everything is…

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Emmett just hit a fever cycle

Recently, there was a delay in refilling Emmett's antivirals that he takes for his fever disorder. With all that had been going on with Gavin recently, I'd opted to use this opportunity to see how he did without them. He did really well for about 2 weeks but just in case, I addressed the issue that was preventing his script from getting refilled. He's got several of these in his mouth. They're very painful and related to his fever disorder. Unfortunately, Emmett hit a fever flare for what I think is the first time since lockdown. I can't remember the last time he had a flare up. It appears that he needs to stay on the Acyclovir going forward. It only took 2 weeks for the mouth sores to come…


How To Bounce Back After Life Knocks You Down

The fact is that every once in a while life will knock you down, and when that happens the most important thing that you can do is know how to get back up again. Of course, some ‘knocks’ are easier to get up from than others; sometimes one of life’s dips is related to something fairly simple and easy to fix, making it easier to come back from. However, when one of life’s dips is related to something a little more serious or complex, getting back up can be a little more difficult.  However, just because you find yourself in a difficult or upsetting situation, the doesn’t mean that you cannot bounce back from it. What it means is that bouncing back from whatever has happened may be that little…


We’re without a car for a few weeks

We are officially without a car for the next few weeks. I dropped it off at the body shop this afternoon and my Mom was kind enough to bring me home. It was a bit weird because I've not been in a car with anyone other than the kids in 2020. The ride was less than 10 minutes. We kept the windows down and we both wore masks. I had my KN95 and my main cloth mask on cause I normally keep them in the car and I wanted to bring them home in case I needed them. I wanted to protect my Mom and myself and my kids, so we took this brief ride very seriously. I'm so grateful that my parents are there to help when I need…


One last trip before for the next few weeks

I took the boys to Quail Hollow for one last hike before the car goes in to get fixed. It's going to be a few weeks before I get it back. We don't go anywhere very often but it sucks anyway. We found an entirely new trail and it took us roughly 2.5 miles start to finish. Everyone did awesome and the weather was perfect. We were so far away from anyone else that we were able to take our masks for a little while and smell the Fall leaves. ☺ There's an abandoned house in the park that I've always wanted to know more about. You can see it in the gallery above. The trail we took today lead us right behind it. You can see the path we…


Round 3 of blood work for Gavin

It's been a long day but a pretty good one. I didn't write yesterday cause I was not really in a place where I felt like writing. I spent the time connecting with other parents instead and that was really cool. Yesterday, I had to take Gavin for another round of blood work, this time focusing on his liver. I hate doing this because it puts us in contact with other people but it was a necessary evil. Gavin's levels have been off and we have to keep following up until we figure it out. I needed to get this done ASAP because the car goes into the bodyshop this weekend and I'll be car-less for a few weeks. Gavin has an appointment with gastro coming up and we need…

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