Do Words Matter? (S6E44)

In this insightful episode of "The Autism Dad" podcast, Rob Gorski and his 15-year-old son, Emmett, delve into the hotly debated topic of Person-First vs. Identity-First Language in the autism community. Offering unique perspectives as a parent of three autistic children and an autistic teen, they explore the emotional and societal implications of the words we choose to describe autism. Tune in to discover how language shapes our understanding and why it matters.


Baby’s Digestive Bliss: Unveiling the Wonders of Organic Formula

Introduction: Navigating Parenthood's Joyful Challenges Ah, the joys of parenthood! A journey filled with smiles, sleepless nights, diaper adventures, and the sweet sound of baby gurgles and cries. If you're a parent, you're undoubtedly familiar with this rollercoaster ride, and if you're a new parent, welcome to the enchanting world of babyhood. Amidst the precious chaos, one coveted secret can bring serenity to your parenting adventure – the marvels of organic formula. Chapter 1: Organic Formula - The Golden Ticket Imagine this heartwarming scene: your little one, cradled in your arms, those innocent eyes looking up at you in hunger. It's feeding time, and here's your not-so-secret weapon - organic formula. It's like serving your baby a gourmet feast while still in diapers! Chapter 2: The Organic Choice - Why…


So yeah, that happened

For the last few days, the boys and I were in Tennessee, on vacation with my entire family. We all had a really good time but two days before we were supposed to leave to come home, Emmett broke his arm in a tubing accident. I posted the video below on IG briefly explaining what happened. The whole event was pretty awful. Emmett was miserable and on overload from everything that was going on. Long story short, he was so brave and handled himself so well. I couldn’t be prouder of him. Emmett’s okay and managed to avoid surgery. I felt it was best to get him home ASAP, so we left a day early. Emmett and I made a few stops on the way home. Elliott and Gavin…


Laurie Cramer On Autism Parenting and The Autism Society of Greater Akron (S1E03)

**Episode Description:** This week, join us as we dive deep with Laurie Cramer, Executive Director of The Autism Society of Greater Akron. From her heartfelt experiences as a parent to an autistic child, to the pivotal changes needed to uplift the autism community, this conversation is both enlightening and inspiring. Learn about the incredible ways the Autism Society is making a difference locally. Don’t miss out!