That’s what makes you awesome

I don't know if you're new here or not but in case you are, you should know that I see a therapist every Wednesday. I feel like it's important to share that because there's too much stigma surrounding therapy. My therapist is awesome and she's helping me to deal with everything I've been through.  I feel like I'm doing okay. I've moved on from my marriage ending and I no longer carry that pain around. Therapy has really helped with that. Unfortunately, some things can't be learned in therapy and are only learned through life experience. I've not written like this in a long time but I just feel like I need to dig down and put my thoughts into words. There's a lot of stress associated with being an…

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Help Your Kids To Take Better Care Of Their Teeth

It’s no secret that your children’s teeth are hugely important aspects of their health. Something that a lot of people overlook is that good dental health is not only important for the teeth and gums themselves, but also for a person’s overall health. For instance, gum disease is very common - but if you have it for an extended period of time, it can lead to heart problems as well as a range of other issues. Likewise, plaque has been found to be related to dementia in later life - even if you have it young. Image Credit - CCO Licence Clearly, it’s important for many reasons to look after our teeth. As a parent, you are going to need to make sure that your children are doing that. Here…


He’s been going through so much and had basically shut down

So I've been dealing with less sleep than usual because Elliott has decided that he wants or needs to hangout when he can't sleep. The last few nights, he knocks on my door and asks if he can hang out. He's been going through a lot and basically shut down for a long time. When he asks to hang out, that's amazing in my world and the last thing I want to do is turn him away. At the same time, it's well after midnight and I just can't keep doing this. I think he just needs the company because we don't really talk about anything in particular. We just sit on my bed and play Xbox for a little while or watch a movie until my eyes can't stay…


Review of the @Purple Hybrid Premier Mattress

I'm reviewing the Purple Mattress, and I'm doing so in a nontraditional way because I'm a nontraditional person in nontraditional circumstances. Sleep has been a struggle for me since having kids. I'm a single Dad to three kiddos on the autism spectrum, and when they don't sleep, I don't sleep. Frankly, even when they do sleep, I don't always sleep. Being single, I don't even get to sleep in shifts, and it takes a toll on my physical and emotional health. That's not a good thing. It's so important that I get the most out of whatever sleep I manage to obtain. That said, I want to talk to you about the Purple Hybrid Premier with 4 inches of Purple Grid I received a few weeks ago. Disclaimer: I received…


So this is what my day will look like

The kids don't have school today and that means less distraction for me. At the same time, that means less distraction for them as well. Unfortunately, that also means I'm going to have to run interference because they're likely to get on each other's nerves. I need to accomplish a couple of things today and one of those things is getting today's episode up on time. That means I'll be staring at this screen for the next couple of hours. I really enjoyed this weeks conversation and should have it ready for your ears later today. The other thing I have to do is mulch the goddamn leaves again. It's only like the 4th time this week. I'd say about 90% of the leaves are down and so this should…


When it comes to remote learning, my youngest is out of shits to give

It's been a frustrating day for me and if there was a circus nearby, I might have just run away and joined it. The day started out rough and it just went downhill from there. Actually, it was a rough night prior because Emmett struggled to sleep and literally glued himself to me and that pretty much killed any hopes of me finding sleep. The boys did great in class today. Good for them, I'm very proud. Emmett is struggling a bit with what amounts to the remote learning version of homework. He keeps falling behind and it's clear that remote learning is a struggle for him. It's frustrating for me because I know this isn't what he normally does and trying to constantly stay on him about it, without…


You Need To Know These Travel Hacks If You’re A Single Parent

As a single parent, you don’t want to ignore or avoid the traditional things that families do, such as traveling. The problem is, going on a family vacation with two parents is challenging. Doing it by your lonesome is going to be as stressful as it is relaxing. So, you might not view it as something you want to do for a while. Pixabay - CC0 Licence That’s okay because not every family is desperate for a holiday. However, a break is an excellent way to recharge your batteries and have fun and bond as a group. Therefore, if unsure, you should recognize that the pros outweigh the cons. Plus, while there are obstacles, it is possible to enjoy an incredible vacation without the hassle. All you need to do…


I think this was our last hiking trip for awhile

I took the kids out for a walk today. I figured if we could find a place that was isolated enough, we could safely get out for a bit. We ended up trying several places before settling on the Wellness Trail. There were no cars there and I felt pretty good about our odds. We came across a few people along the way. Only one person was wearing a mask and with as bad as things are getting, this might be our last trip for a little while. Not enough people are taking this seriously and it's getting too dangerous. While we were out, I was able to grab some pictures. It was a gorgeous day and we ended up walking about two miles before making our way back to…

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