Elliott woke up screaming and you will never guess why
The moment I wake up, I realize the problem and reassure him that he's not blind
The moment I wake up, I realize the problem and reassure him that he's not blind
Considering some of the challenges I faced this weekend, it may seem like I've dropped my basket but there's some very positive things going on and I'm looking forward
[igp-video src="https://www.theautismdad.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/13350159_487119921480670_266602223_n.mp4" poster="https://www.theautismdad.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/13256741_1546388338998042_65172221_n.jpg" size="large"] Martial Arts Compilation Check Out My Instagram Feed
I know that sounds counterintuitive, especially since isolation is not a good thing but it comes down to not putting our kids into situations that will overstimulate them and lead to more difficult parenting challenges.
I know it's been a long weekend for them but OMG, all the bullshit just makes life harder.
Here's a little random video from our weekend fun... ☺