A MAJOR announcement and a few sidenotes

I wanted to talk to you folks for a few minutes and explain a few changes that you may have noticed already. I've been officially sponsored for the very first time.  I so excited to share with you all that this blog has been sponsored by Vivint Gives Back. What does this mean? It's important to understand that this sponsorship is in regards to server fees only. Vivint Gives Back and The Autism Dad Blog are both on a similar path.  That path is one that's dedicated to helping the special needs community, especially those touched by Autism. Vivint Gives Back will be helping with server fees and that means that I no longer have to stress out of pocket expense in regards to the hosting of The Autism Dad Blog…


Believe it or not, Monday and I are getting along today

I'm feeling pretty good today.  It's beautiful outside, the kids are mostly having a good day and there's not much to get done today.   For the first time in a little while, I'm feeling pretty chill. I mean, there are a great many things I'm worried about but my anxieties seem to be in check and I'm focusing more on the things I have control over st the moment.   I had a good night's sleep and maybe that helped.  That doesn't happen very often so it's sorta hard to know if that's impacting things right now or not.   We only have two places to be today.  Our Dr. Pattie appointment for this Wednesday was moved to today at 4pm and Lizze sees her psychiatrist to touch base…


Proof that Autism Awareness does work – Check This Out

Whenever I doubt that the world will ever truly become Autism Aware or that my efforts make a difference, something comes out of left field and renews my faith in humanity. I've decided to start sharing some of the many messages I get from people all over the world. Normally I keep these private because I just feel that's the way it should be. Having said that, I've had a change of heart and here's why. I think it's really important for people to realize that one person can make a difference.  I want my readers to know that sharing their story can truly have an impact on the world, even if it's one person at a time. All it takes is one person to make a difference.  One person…

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This meltdown brought to by……  

There are a great many things about being a parent to children with Autism that can be tough.  That being said, I think we could probably mostly agree that meltdowns would at least be towards the top of the list, if not the top of the list itself.   We had a doozy of a meltdown this morning and you'll never guess what it was over.  Chopsticks...  Both Elliott and Emmett came home with chopsticks yesterday. Many of you are probably already cringing and others won't understand why this is such a problem.  Let me say it like this..  Chopsticks are frustrating for people who are actually coordinated enough to use them.  I got frustrated trying to learn how to use them so I could teach Emmett.  Giving a child…


We’re still having bedtime struggles with out youngest but here’s my attitude about it

The boys went to bed so easily tonight. We had a couple nitelight issues in which we need to invest in rechargeable AAA batteries to solve. I was able to provide a temporary work around and all was right with the world. No one battled over what song they were going to listen to and no one came down stairs looking for a snack.  ☺ When Lizze and I went to bed, not having heard Emmett's music blasting from our bedroom, I thought for sure I wasn't going to find in our bed. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to be happy with the progress we made in other areas of bedtime because Emmett was sprawled out across our bed. ☺ Truthfully, it's frustrating because we can't seem to help him…


One of the only things worse than struggling as an #Autism parent, is feeling alone in your struggle

August is going to be a tough month for us. We're really struggling with groceries because it's so hard to find things that the kids will actually eat and eat more than once. Elliott and Emmett are both going through something because it seems like everything they used to eat, now tastes funny.. This leads to wasted food, frustration and it has a significant impact on our limited budget. I'm not sure how we're going to pull grocery shopping off this month but the one thing we have going for us is that school starts in about two weeks.  This means we don't have to worry about the boys during the day and that will save on food, therefore extending our budget.  ☺ While that's a blessing, it's also a curse…


We’ve had a great day :) 

Lizze and I have had a pretty good day. We both slept in and spent most of the afternoon just relaxing, waiting for the boys to return home.  We even went for a walk at Stadium Park and enjoyed the weather.   This has been one of the best breaks we've had in a really long time. 


This is why I really dislike Hall of Fame week

Every single year at this time, I share my personal disdain for Pro Football Hall of Fame week. I know that makes me a bad American but I live right in the middle of everything, especially when it comes to the parade. I'm all for celebrating but I just wish people showed a little regard for those of us trying to live our lives.  When we lived in North Canton, it was not something we ever thought about because it wasn't in our face. I think we've been in this house for about 13 or 14 years now and every year it's the same thing. There are people everywhere from everywhere and not everyone is pleasant or courteous to the fact that we have to live here while all this…