After a terrible nights sleep, I’m doing pretty well today

I didn't sleep well last night again. There's just too much to worry about and while I try not to worry about things I have no control over, when it comes to my family, that's so much easier said than done.   Thank God for Emmett's good mood this morning because he woke up and got dressed, including his shoes and socks before even coming downstairs.   He woke up around 3am from what I gathered was a nightmare. He climbed into bed and snuggled up to me. I'm not gonna lie, I'm a suckered for snuggling with my kids. He was scared and so pushing him back to his room wouldn't have gone over well.  I ended up eventually moving to the couch and letting Emmett sleep in my…


I’ve really struggled today enlight of all Monday’s bad news

I tried to write yesterday but I just wasn't in a place to express myself in wisely chosen words.  For that matter, I've not been able to really string to coherent thoughts together.   I know many people are wondering what's going on but I needed time to process everything.  Let me just confirm that we began the journey of increasing Gavin's Clozapine yesterday.  So far so good. He dealt with things like dry mouth and bladder issues but nothing more serious than that.  The long and short of it is that he's doing okay right now.  I'll do my best to get caught up in the morning.   Thanks for understanding. 


This is how we were able to work though our first tummy ache of the new school year 

I didn't sleep long or well last night.  I'm too stressed out and worried aboit a great many things but right now, Gavin's at the very top of the list.  I actually slept for about 3 hours last night and was awoken by a little Emmett John  who wasn't feeling well. The before school tummy aches have returned.  It was one of those mornings where Emmett had a tummy ache and didn't want to go to school. In fairness, he's got a lot of sinus drainage and I think that's what's upsetting his tummy.   We tried everything to convince him to go, short of dragging him out kicking and screaming.   We felt it best that not push him at this point but instead take the approach I took…


My brain is fried and my heart is broken

If there are any grammar errors, I'll fix them in the morning.  I can't keep my eyes open and I'm going to bed.   I'm going to try and sum up everything as best I can.  If this doesn't make sense to anyone, please know my brain is fried and my heart is broken. I'm doing the best I can at this point. Let me begin by saying that this was one of the most difficult appointments we've had in a very long time.  I'm really exhausted after today but I'll do my best to have this make sense. I also spoke to both sets of grandparents prior to writing this because I wanted to bring them up to speed before they read about it here. With that said, here's…


A quick update on Gavin’s emergency appointment today

We got home a little while ago from Gavin's appointment, as well as picking up the boys at school.  The appointment went well in the sense we only had to wait about 30 minute to be seen but that's where the good news ends. Gavin's in much worse shape than we thought and we've formulated a plan of attack.  Before I talk about this though, I need to process everything a little bit and reach out to family first. I'll explain everything later on today but right now, my heads all jumbled and I need some time to myself..  Thank you for your patience, support and understanding. 


I’ve made a switch in regards to my readers commenting 

I've been really lucky over the years that I haven't had much of an issue with the internet commenting on my writing.  I have however, had a bit more lately than usual.  At the same time, I've been having an issue with my commenting system in general.   While I'm working things out and making a final decision on what direction to go in, I've moved to Facebook comments.  Over 1,000,000,000 people have a Facebook account and it's become the standard for single sign-on.  At this point my thoughts are this.   I realize that some people may not like using Facebook commenting but for now, it's a necessary move.  Not only does it add a bit more accountability to people who leave mean spirited comments because they can no…


We barely made it through our little sensory crisis this morning but we did :) 

Lizze managed to get Emmett to at least wear his crocks to school today. That was no easy task because she worked through screaming and kicking, never giving up on him or losing her patience.  Eventually, she was able to work him through this little sensory crisis and we made our way to school.   We did pack his socks in his backpack just in case he decided he needed them.   At this point, it's whatever works.. ☺ 


It’s a major sensory morning in this #Autism house

I've put myself in time out for a few minutes. I'm going on four hours of sleep and Emmett is a sensory nightmare this morning.  He's really struggling and at this point, we can't help him to wear his socks.   The last resort is sending him barefoot in his crocks but that's what we had to do on Friday and we'll do it again today.   Right now I'm having Emmett stand in a big box of rice, hoping to wake his feet up, as his occupational therapist would say.  I'm not sure it's going to help much but it's something to occupy him while I take a breather.   It's important to recognize my limits and make sure I don't lose my cool. Putting myself in time out,…