Check out @NoNetzSuits sensory friendly clothing

It's no secret that sensory issues have impacted my kids for years. Clothing has been one of the most challenging for Emmett in particular. Socks have been difficult for him but we can more easily work around him not wearing socks. Unfortunately, there are some items of clothing that we really can't easily go without. Shirts are currently a struggle. We've been on lockdown for well over 300 days and aside from school, shirts aren't absolutely necessary when we never leave home. The problem with him just not wearing one is that it makes it much harder for to wear them when he needs to. That brings me to my reason fo writing this post. I was recently introduced to a clothing company called NoNetz. They sent some sample clothing…


Why Busy Parents Should Invest in an Air Fryer

In a perfect world, we would all butcher our own meat, grow our own organic vegetables, and water them with unicorn tears. But in reality, we are just too busy. We have a job, kids, schoolwork, piano lessons, and soccer practice. This easily gives me an excuse to eat fast food and put my family’s health at risk. Though fast food can be fun for a rare treat, We know that whole foods with little to know chemical processing are the best bet.  That’s where an air fryer became my new BFF. These things are so speedy. Not everyone has time to wait on the large oven as it heats to 375. Practice starts at 7 pm! This handy appliance is a hero! Mine will heat up very quickly. Some…

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My kids had to learn about Trumps attempted coup in school today

We've made it through the first week back at school and we're doing pretty awesome. Emmett is completely current as is Elliott. This has been a challenge for autistic kids in regards to remote learning. I've spoken with tons of parents dealing with the same or worse. Lots of kids don't even show up to class every day. I I feel pretty good at this moment in time because the boys are adjusting to the change, finally. It's only taken half a school year but we have made progress. That's a positive thing and I'm crazy proud. We had a rough day yesterday because you know, an army of stupid Trump supports literally laid siege on the Capitol Building, in a attempted coup. The goal being to ensure a second…

Read more about the article Three top tips for how you and your family can lead a healthier lifestyle in 2021
Photo by Allan Mas on

Three top tips for how you and your family can lead a healthier lifestyle in 2021

The month of January is seen by a lot of people as an opportunity for a fresh start, a chance to reflect on life goals and changes you want to make over the course of the upcoming year in the form of new year’s resolutions. Due to the parties and overindulgence of the festive period, many people strive to lead a healthier lifestyle in the new year. If this is something you would like to do but need some inspiration on how to go about it, read on for three top tips for how you and your family can lead a healthier lifestyle in 2021.  Photo by Allan Mas on Make exercise fun The idea of having to slog for hours on a treadmill at the gym can quickly…


Stress Relief Tips for Men

Stress can have a big serious impact on men’s health. Stress can be a factor in a wide range of health issues including heart disease, high blood pressure, migraines, back pain, diabetes, cancer, and even a weakened immune system. Stress can also be a trigger for anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, or depression. To care for your mental health and be better equipped to care for your family, try some of these tips to relieve stress. Image - free for commercial use Get regular exercise. Exercise is one of the most effective ways to manage stress. Being active releases endorphins, which makes you better able to handle stress. It will also help you to work out any tension.  Eat and sleep well. By caring for your physical health, you will be much…


Preparing for Medical School in 2021

Congratulations on making it to 2021! If you are just graduating high school then you are about to enter the next chapter of your life and for most people that chapter would be entering the university of your dreams. But now an important step begins: the first year of the degree, where you discover what your academic performance will be like, what type of student you want to be, what will be your approach according to your tastes and talents. If you want to prepare for college, keep this in mind to choose the best high school. Now that you are about to enter university, you must be more aware of things that you were not at school, so we give you some tips to make the change smoother. These…

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Our first day back after Christmas break

The boys had a great first day back at school, at least as far as remote learning is concerned. Emmett is feeling very motivated this quarter and that's a very positive thing. He brought his grades up two letter grades in the second quarter and I'm so proud of him. I even brought him a cup of hot chocolate cause the house was a little cold this morning. We try to keep the house a little cooler cause it's easier on the gas bill. He apparently has started drinking hot chocolate with a straw. Elliott had a great first day back as well. He's not super motivated but he's got a good attitude and I'm happy for that. All things considered, that's all I can ask for. It's a short…


What can cause family financial issues

There are many challenging aspects to family life, but the one that always seems to be beyond our grasp is the financial side of things. There’s a reason why money is the number one cause of arguments among couples. Even if we can take a step back and think logically about things, which can help to reduce the intensity of a negative reaction, that doesn’t remedy financial problems if they exist. In this blog, we’re going to take a look at a handful of examples of things that can seriously derail a family’s financial footing and prosperity.  Pexels - CC0 Licence Lifestyle Inflation Desire is never too far away. If we get a well-paying job, we might say that we’re going to set aside a portion of the income to…