Sometimes this #Autism Dad just wants to feel normal
I can pretend that my son isn't facing life threatening health issues
October 23, 2016
I can pretend that my son isn't facing life threatening health issues
It was pretty exciting to wake up and find this out..... ☺
There are so many days where I feel like I should just by a second home in Crazy Town because I seem to visit there so often.. Lol Today was different and here's why...
Along the decision to put your child on medications can be a difficult one. Here's what I look for prior to making any medication decisions..
One of those challenges centers around sleep disturbances
"This blog isn't for everyone but if you don't read because you haven't had Autism touch your life yet, I'd reconsider"
Check out why today is so special for my special needs family... ☺ 💙