Why I’m totally geeking out

I totally get this will shine the spotlight on just how big of a nerd I really am but fuck it.  Everyone knows about the Amazon Echo and if you've used it or even own one, you probably know how quickly it becomes integrated into your daily life.  A week or so ago, Amazon updated the Echo to allow for an additional trigger word. Prior to this update, you could choose between Alexa, Amazon or Echo. Weirdly enough, they never included Dot.  Anyway, the have recently added a new trigger name and if you're a science fiction fan, you may just geek out as well.  We can now use the trigger name Computer. If you don't see the significance in that, let me explain. This is totally a Star Trek…


I’m excited about our plans today

At some point today, we will be heading over to my parents house to celebrate my Mom's birthday. We haven't really seen my family in a month or so. There's no reason, just life and different schedules.  I'm really excited to give my Mom our gift but it won't be here until next week sometime.  Anyway, it'll be nice to have dinner and spend some time with the family. Lizze and I are making a real effort to avoid isolation this time around and while sometimes it's unavoidable, our goal is to limit those unavoidable times... 


UPDATE: My son with #Autism ate raw chicken because that’s just how our life is

If you miss the first part of this story, please click here to get caught up.  I wanted to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers. It really means a great deal to us and speaks volumes about the amount of love and compassion that's still in the world today.  It's been about twenty hours since Gavin accidently ate raw chicken and so far, he seems to be doing okay.  Franky, I hate to even say that out loud a use I don't want to jinx it. Having said that, we feel a sense of guarded relief that things are still going well. Hopefully, this will continue as we move forward.  Thank you again for your thoughts and prayers.... ☺ 


PLEASE keep Gavin in your thoughts and prayers for the next few days

The boys and I went to Walmart yesterday, and picked up some groceries. Right now they're into eating chicken, so we stocked up on chicken beast, chicken tenders and things like that.  At dinner tonight, Gavin wanted to make himself some chicken tenders. He took a couple large ones from the bag and heated them up in the microwave. He's capable of using the microwave or toaster oven.  After he was done, I put some in the air fryer for Emmett and as I was putting the bag back in the freezer, I noticed that the bag said ready to cook, raw chicken.  As soon as I saw that, I ran into the other room to stop Gavin. I yelled at him to stop eating..  When I looked at his…


The Autism Dad blog made #4 on the list of top 50 #Autism Blogs

I wanted to take a minute to thank Feedspot for an amazing honor. They've indexed thousands of Autism related blogs and pulled to top 50 for their list. I've been selected and placed in the #4 spot. This is pretty amazing for me and I know I'm in excellent company. Below is the quote from Feedspot on how they ranked everyone. Thank you Feedspot for this honor. :-)      The Best Autism blogs from thousands of top Autism blogs in our index using search and social metrics. Data will be refreshed once a week. These blogs are ranked based on following criteria Google reputation and Google search ranking Influence and popularity on Facebook, twitter, and other social media sites Quality and consistency of posts. Feedspot’s editorial team and expert review  …


The potty dance has returned 

My day has gotten back on track. Unfortunately, I needed a nap for that to happen.   Gavin and I are currently waiting for Lizze to be done with an appointment before we run a few errands. I'm noticing that Gavin is obviously having bladder issues because he's dancing around the backseat, in what's known as potty dance.  He hasn't said anything to me about it yet and I'll wait for him to say something because he's seems to be trying to work through it.  Anyway, that's about it for now.. ☺ 


Compulsive Questions

Gavin is driving me absolutely crazy. He keeps asking me questions and I haven't been awake long enough to be able to cope with that just yet.  I swear to God he's thinking of random questions, just so he can follow me around and ask them.  Unfortunately for me, it seems like Gavin is in one of those places where he's compulsively asking questions. There's no rhyme or reason for what he's asking and that makes it exceptionally annoying.. 


How literal interpretation leads to meltdowns 

I promised that I would write about why Emmett's school report led to so many meltdowns over the last week or so. The reason can be summed up in two words, literal interpretation.   The instructions provided simply said to write about three things you like to do in the snow. Seems pretty simple and straight forward, right? Wrong.. Emmett was so fucking stressed out over this because he takes the instructions quite literally, and is unwilling to deviate from them in any way for fear of breaking the rules or lying. When we sat down to work on this last week, we began by coming up with three things he liked to do in the snow. That proved to be so much more difficult than it sounds. The way…