It can be hard to not drown in all the negativity

I've been feeling a little overwhelmed this week. Elliott is having sleep problems and he's in full on stubborn teenage mode. That means I can't get a great deal of cooperation from him in regards to getting his sleep cycle reset. He's stressed out and probably a bit depressed. I think that's completely understandable but we need to right this ship because it interferes with school and it's simply not healthy. That was the focus of therapy tonight. Hopefully, we can begin getting him back on track. I've opted to skip this week's podcast release because I have to much work that needs to get done and production is very time consuming. I could cramm everything in but that would increase my stress levels and I'm trying to be kind…

Read more about the article 4 Common Age-related Eye Diseases
Photo by Ksenia Chernaya on

4 Common Age-related Eye Diseases

It is natural for a person’s eyesight to deteriorate gradually as they age, and in some cases wearing glasses will provide all the help they need. However, a third of Americans over the age of 65 develop an eye condition that impairs their vision significantly. These are referred to as age-related eye diseases or AREDs. Whether you are a senior person who is concerned about your eye health or you are worried about a loved one, it is important to be able to recognize potential warning signs so you can take early action. Here are the four most common eye problems that older people are more susceptible to. Photo by Ksenia Chernaya on Glaucoma Glaucoma is caused by increased pressure in the eye, which damages the optic nerve. The…


The SideTrak Slide is the second display I didn’t know I needed (REVIEW)

I've been a work from home Dad for the better part of a decade. Lately, most of my work is centered around the blog and the podcast. As I've mentioned many times before, I write almost exclusively from my mobile device and only use my laptop for recording and producing my podcast. It's this angle that I'm going to approach this review. Not too long ago, SideTrak sent me their Slide Portable Monitor to try out and share my thoughts on. Essentially what this is - is a 12.5 inch, full HD secondary display, with a matte finish - for a laptop. It attaches magnetically and is easily removable when desired. My current laptop happens to be 13 inches so this was sized perfectly, although it would work with larger…


Are you the health advocate your child needs you to be?

Parenthood is tough at the best of times. Add underlying health conditions to that struggle, and doing the best for your kids can seem like an insurmountable mountain. While they’re the ones who have to deal with sometimes painful conditions, up to a certain age and perhaps even past then, you need to be in their corner fighting right along with them.  Image Source: CC0 License After all, health conditions often come with a lot of appointments, and your diary is likely always full with hospital checks, bookings with their physio and podiatrist clinic, and perhaps even further appointments for mental management. It’s a lot, but such is the nature of living with ongoing problems. As difficult as all this can be for you to manage, it’s guaranteed to be…


Let’s get caught up

The boys and I have had a pretty good couple of days. We had some frustrating moments and Gavin is struggling a bit, especially in the problem solving department. It's getting to be frustrating for me because the need to address these struggles he's having is becoming more and more important. With Gavin wanting to move out, we need work on these things so he can better interact with whomever he's living with. As frustrating as those moments have been, they haven't defined out week. The back half of the week was a bit more eventful than we had planned for. We had a surprise immunology appointment for Gavin. His doctor wanted to do a televisit before refilling some of his meds. It was very last minute but I was…


I’ve been feeling overwhelmed today

I'm finding myself feeling a bit overwhelmed today. I'm relieved that Gavin is less vulnerable to COVID because that's been a big worry for a long time. I'm relieved that the boys are doing better in school because remote learning has been a challenge. I'm also relieved that I won the power struggle with the stupid dog over going potty outside. Work has been incredibly slow this month, meaning March is going to be a leaner month and will likely present some challenges. That could literally change at any time though because I pick up new client all the time, some big and some small. I'm working on a few longer term projects at the moment and invoicing is still a couple weeks out. I've spent the last few days…


How I’m doing after increasing my antidepressant

I mentioned last week that I would be speaking to my doctor about bumping up my antidepressant. After discussing things, we decided to double my current dose. I've been on 20mg/day of Prozac and I'm now on 40mg/day. I think I'm on day four or five of the new dose and there really isn't any news to report. It's likely to be a few weeks before I see any changes, if I'm going to see any changes. It may be a little faster because I've already been on Prozac for a couple of years. Either way, I feel good about the change. Outside of that, I need to lower my triglycerides a bit and continue losing weight. I'm in good health and I will rerun my labs in six months…

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