The past 5 days have taken their toll

As I'm writing this entry, it's 12:35am and I'm not sleeping or even in my own bed. Both Elliott and Emmett are awake, feeling like shit and running fevers. To make things even more unfortunate, I'm running a low grade fever as well.  What I need more than anything is a good night's sleep but that won't be in the cards tonight, once again.  Unfortunately, the medications (and they are necessary) Lizze has to take at night preclude her from being able to help out much in this area. Having said that, she will be good in the morning and I can go back to sleep, in my amazing new bed.  At least we have nothing going on today. I've been doing this since last Friday and I'm dying at…


Meet the ferrets helping my kids with #Autism 

If you've been following our story for awhile, you already know how I like to share about the positive impact animals have on my kids with Autism.  I've been raised around animals my whole life and have always benefited from having pets.  It's widely known that animals can have a profoundly positive impact on kids with Autism or Special Needs. I won't pretend to know exactly why this is but I know it's true.  When my kids met their first ferret about a year and a half ago, there was an instant bond. What really surprised me was how they've never lost that bond, even after all this time. My kids both seek and gain comfort from our ferret family, every single say.  Snuggling a ferret is often the first…


At least it doesn’t count as a sick day

We received a call early this morning, letting us know that school has been canceled due to bad weather. It's not like the boys were going to school anyway, but there's an upside here.  As a result of school being canceled, this won't count as an absence.  That's a good thing cause it helps keep those days limited, especially where Emmett's concerned.  While I haven't checked temperatures yet this morning, both boys seem to be feeling okay so far. I'm not hearing the coughing and hacking I've been hearing previously.  This bug seems to kinda come and go throughout the day. The boys may seem okay now but will be miserable later on. That's how this has played out so far.  Anyway, there won't be any therapy today as a…


The good news and the bad news

Okay folks, we have a mishmash of things to share tonight, but I'll be brief.  I'll start with the good news.The boys are all asleep, and in their own beds. That's a major victory right there. Unfortunately, I'm still awake because I can't sleep for some reason.  At bedtime, Emmett still had a fever but I'm not sure about Elliott because I forgot to check. At this point in time, no one is getting any worse but still miserable.  As for the bad news, Gavin went to bed with a really bad stomach. He'd been fighting it on and off today but it got really bad during his IVIG infusion tonight. He's pretty freaked out about puking and that made it worse.  Thankfully, he's currently sleeping and I'm going to…


I invite you to join my blogroll

I want to create a new database of special needs parenting related sites, blogs, news, and even shops. For that matter, I'm happy to share links to any appropriate site including parenting, family and tech sites. I had an extensive list while running  Lost and Tired but have lost that entire database backup. All you need to do is simply fill out the contact form below with the following: Name Email address (kept private) Full URL for your site A brief description of what your site is about All I ask in return is that you add my link to your site as well. When I did this on my old site, I found that those involved saw a significant increase in referral traffic. We all need back links and this is…


My kids with #Autism are terrible when they’re sick lol

I hate when my kids are sick. I don't like them having to go through that and they are really terrible sick kids.  When I say really terrible sick kids, I mean they are miserable and make everyone around them miserable. I'm talking super cranky, very difficult and quite prone to massive meltdowns.  Having said that, it's not their fault and my heart goes out to them. I provide them with every comfort I can but that doesn't mean they don't still drive me crazy.  I'm pretty frustrated with my whiny, bickering and disagreeable sick kiddos today. Lol Sensory issues are ramped up and they are so sensitive to absolutely everything. I give them patience, until I'm almost out and ready to run off and join the circus.  It doesn't…


Plan for the worst and hope for the best

Our three day weekend has officially turned into what will soon be a four day weekend. Both boys still have fevers and Emmett has a very upset stomach as well.  I checked Gavin, just to be safe and he's teetering on the edge of a low grade fever himself, although he says he feels fine.  Lizze has had a pretty good day thus far. I woke her up about 7:30am and asked her to trade off for a little while, so I could sleep in bed for a bit. I woke up after a few hours and she was still doing well. ☺  She's sleeping now, as is Gavin and I'm managing the sick kiddos with movies and gingerale for now.  I already called the school and reported them off…


Why the boys will NOT be in school tomorrow 

The boys are in their own beds, at least for now. Bedtime didn't go so well tonight because both boys are starting to feel under the weather again and were not in a good mood.  Emmett was especially argumentative and rather explosive.  For now, they're both in bed but I'm not sure how long that's going to last.  We did setup the humidifier in their room and hopefully, that will help with the cough. As long as they fall asleep and stay asleep, I should be able to sleep in my own bed tonight.. ☺  School is already off the menu for tomorrow because of the fevers....  Hopefully, the boys will be feeling better tomorrow and can return to school on Tuesday.