My motto for today is Carpe Temporis Punctum

Lizze has been having a rough couple of days. Those of you familiar with Fibromyalgia will understand how changes in the barometric pressure can cause a significant increase in pain, or what's known as a Fibro Flare.  Anyway, our weather has been pretty wonky lately and Lizze is paying a price.  It's a pretty nice day and I'm thinking of taking the boys out Pokémon hunting at the park. I know of that involves their tablets but it gets them outside and motivated to move around. More importantly though, they have fun and that's my goal.  At this point, I'm unsure if Lizze is going to joining us. I know she wants to but doing may prove too much in her current condition.  I'm probably looking to go sooner rather…


I think we might be off to a good start 

I had a really difficult time sleeping last night. I finally gave up about 2:00 AM and moved to the couch. The issue for me last night was an inability to shut my brain off.  I watched TV for a little while before I was finally able to fall asleep.  The boys slept well though and they even slept in a bit. That aloud me to sleep in as well.  Everyone is getting along and I'm feeling like we're off to a great start for the week. 😁 


I’m no longer associated with Guardian Locate 

I have a very important announcement to make and I want to do so in the most tactful way possible. Please understand that I'm not opening this up to questions because I'm not sure it's appropriate.  As you may or may not know, I co-founded a company called Guardian Locate. The mission was to provide state of the art tracking devices for people with a propensity to wander. Think kids with Autism or people with Alzheimer's.  For the past four or five years, this has been a project that I've devoted a great deal of time and energy towards. I'd attached both my name and reputation to this project, which believe it or not, carries some weight in this community.  As of about a week ago, I've terminated my involvement…


It’s Spring Break and I’m trying not to stress out over it

Today marks the first official week of Spring Break. This means that the boys will be home all week.  Spring Break is like a practice run for Summer Vacation. We get a chance to remember how challenging it is before we're thrown into roughly one hundred days of the boys being home.  I really enjoy the boys being home but we need to plan for things that will keep them occupied, and TV/video games will only make up a tiny part of those plans.  Things are a bit tight financially because I lost a good chunk of my income and that's actually something I need to talk about, but in a different entry.  I'm not sure how the weather's going to hold up this week. If it's nice, we can…


My kids are driving me completely insane today and here’s why

Holy shit..... My kids are driving me completely bonkers today. I like to think I'm in a good enough place to be able to cope longer with some of this stuff but not today. Gavin will not stop talking. In fact, he literally follows me around the house, talking at me and not to me. I have to actually tell him to stop talking to me, and hate doing that but I swear to God, if he doesn't stop, I'm going to lose my mind. Elliott and Emmett are both handfuls as well. Elliott is generally disagreeable and easily irritated. He's doing this thing where he feels the need to correct what other people are saying and it's driving me nuts. Emmett's meltdown meter is buried in the red, meaning…


Why we should put some focus on the parents this #Autism Awareness month

With Autism Awareness month just around the corner, there are a few things I would like to see happen this time around.  Obviously, there needs to be a focus on people who are Autistic. That should go without saying and even in 2017, that's sorely lacking.  However, one of the things that I believe needs a larger focus, is the parents raising these kids with Autism. I realize that most parents of kids with Autism are neuro-typical, but we/they play an absolutely critical role in the lives and futures of our children with Autism.  Without resources, funding and support, we can't be what our kids need. Without support, we can give our kids what they need to reach their full potential.  Speaking for myself, I'm very, very human. There's only…


We’re celebrating a little victory today

I've written this post out twice now and each time WordPress somehow eats it. For that reason, I'm going to keep this short and sweet..  I took Gavin with me to the grocery store the other day. He always wants to push the cart but I usually avoid this because he doesn't pay attention to his surroundings. He tends to run into people and things.  This time however, we weren't in a hurry and I could keep a close eye on him. You should see the look in his eyes when he can push the cart. It's very similar to a parent tossing their new teen driver the keys to the car.  He actually did pretty well. I had to stay on him but no one was hurt and nothing…


This shouldn’t be allowed to happen

Lizze and I finally have a night off and we have the ability to sleep, without worry about the kids. All week long, we dream of the next time we will be in this same position. We sorta live from one of these moments to the next, if that makes sense.  When facing the amount of struggle we do on a daily basis, we need a light at the end of the tunnel.  Here's the fucked up part. The first chance we have in three weeks to crash and neither one of us can fall asleep. This should not be allowed to happen to parents in situations like these.  I think the problem lies in the fact that our sleep cycles are so messed up, that even if or when…