Emmett’s school year might be cut short

We received a call from Lizze's Mom because Emmett was complaining of a sore throat. I think he was possibly looking to come home, but they were able to redirect him and he decided to stay, from what I understand.  For the last few days, I've been monitoring his temperature. I have a bad feeling, and I think he may be hitting another fever cycle. His joints have been hot and he's been acting a little funny.  If he is entering into a new fever cycle, he will very likely miss the rest of the school year.  I'm concerned because if this does prove true, these cycles are very close together, and the sore throat is a new symptom.  I'm really hoping that he feels better in the morning... 


How our “alone time” went tonight

The boys are at Lizze's parents for the night, and we were able to get out for a little while. Unfortunately, Lizze isn't feeling well because of the weather (it's a Fibromyalgia thing), and as a result, we called it an early night.  We went and saw the first movie I can remember her and I going to, in a long time. She was kind enough to entertain my wanting to see Alien Covenant.  I thought it was really good, but I'm guessing Lizze didn't because she fell asleep before the halfway point. lol In her defense, she was in a lot of pain and as a result, she was exhausted. It was nice simply being able to get out for a little while.  Hopefully, she'll feel better in the…


We need some time away from the kids 

I always feel the need to add this little disclaimer, when saying I need a break from my kids. Lizze and I both love them completely, but they're absolutely exhausting, and we need a break.  Lizze doesn't have class today and that meant she was here to help get the boys off to school.  I'm glad she's getting the help she needs, but at the same time, it creates so much more work for me. As it is, I'm already burnt out and in need of a break. Adding more to my plate makes everything more difficult.!  Anyway, it's awesome to have her home today. Class takes so much out of her, and when she gets home she crashes. I feel like I haven't seen her in awhile, and that…


It’s a really big day for our #Autism family

I'm really looking forward to today. Not only is this the last day of the second to last day of school, but it's martial arts promotion. Both Elliott and Emmett have been anxiously awaiting today.  This is always a really cool experience, except it's unbearably hot in the dojo, and there are a lot of heavy, heavy smokers. Obviously, no one's smoking inside but you can still smell it, and it's horrible.  Aside from that, the only downside is that Elliott's promotion is first thing in the morning and Emmett's is towards the end of the day.  Typically, they have always been one after the other. This time however, there's roughly four hours between them. I guess we will have to go home and grab lunch or something. 😁  Anyway,…


We are saying goodbye to an important #Autism therapy

I took Emmett to occupational therapy this past Tuesday, only to find out that this is his last session. I had no idea this is what was going to happen and frankly, I'm not sure what to think.  Having said that, it's not uncommon to take a break from things during the Summer and pick things back up in the Fall.  Unfortunately, that's not the plan, at least not at this point. They billed this whole thing as graduation. We can always re-evaluate in the future but they feel Emmett can use the skills he's learned to get through the Summer/rest of his life.  I didn't make a big deal out of this at the time because Emmett was upset enough, and I wanted to get him through this before…


It really has been positive 

It's really been a positive day. My writings been on hold but I'm working on that. I felt amazing after walking this morning. I didn't plan on taking a nap today but Gavin went for his nap and I decided to take a power nap before having to get the boys from school.  I'm not sure what our plans are for the rest of the day, but we'll figure something out. 



The boys finally slept through the night and I was able to sleep in my own bed. I was in bed by midnight and up at 7AM.  Lizze was on her way to class before we were up, but I was able to get the boys to school without any significant effort.  I felt recharged enough to go walking with Gavin, after dropping the boys off... ☺  I'm feeling pretty good about today... ☺