Read more about the article Gavin’s favorite place
Gavin's favorite place. I love the fact that Gavin has a favorite place to sit and enjoy nature. This is at the Canton Garden Center, and he sits here watching the fish swimming at the surface of the little pond. He also seems to enjoy the calming waterfall as well. Do you have a favorite place to just zen-out?

Gavin’s favorite place

I love the fact that Gavin has a favorite place to sit and enjoy nature. This is at the Canton Garden Center, and he sits here watching the fish swimming at the surface of the little pond. He also seems to enjoy the calming waterfall as well. Do you have a favorite place to just zen out?

Read more about the article I love seeing them just be kids
The boys and I took a silly selfie the other day. It's not often that I can convince everyone to do this, because inevitably one of them isn't in the mood to cooperate... I really love these silly pictures with my kids because sometimes they seem too grown-up already. Pictures like this show them being kids...

I love seeing them just be kids

The boys and I took a silly selfie the other day. It's not often that I can convince everyone to do this because inevitably one of them isn't in the mood to cooperate... I really love these silly pictures with my kids because sometimes they seem too grown-up already. Pictures like this show them being kids...The boys and I took a silly selfie the other day. It's not often that I can convince everyone to do this because inevitably one of them isn't in the mood to cooperate... I really love these silly pictures with my kids because sometimes they seem too grown-up already. Pictures like this show them being kids... :-)

Read more about the article How we calm our ferrets so their nails can be trimmed
There's a trip to trimming a ferrets nails, and it's called distraction. By letting them lick the tube of Furo-Vita, a ferret vitamin supplement, occupies them enough that you can safely trim their nails..

How we calm our ferrets so their nails can be trimmed

There's a trick to trimming a ferrets nails, and it's called distraction. We have to do with with our ferrets every two weeks or so. If we didn't, their nails get like a raptors talons and can accidentally do so damage, or cause injury. By letting them lick the tube of Furo-Vita, a ferret vitamin supplement, occupies them enough that you can safely trim their nails.. ☺

Read more about the article Our pseudo service ferret family
This is Charlie. He's the youngest of our ferret family, but also the biggest as well. He loves snuggling and falling asleep in his humans. Our kids with #Autism, benefit tremendously from having the ferrets around. Do you have animals in your life that make an impact on your family?

Our pseudo service ferret family

Something you may or may not know about me is that I'm a closet photographer... Taking pictures of the things or events going on in our life is something I truly enjoy doing.  This is a picture of Charlie. He the youngest, and yet largest of member of our ferret family.  The three of the boys absolutely adore our ferret family and the ferrets adore the kids as well. They love snuggling and helping the boys to feel better when they are overwhelmed or overstimulated. They're pseudo service animals and over the last two years, have been a hugely positive addition to our family. 


Our disappointing trip to @ChuckECheeses 

If you've followed our story, you know that we are very clearly not made of money. Things are getting better every month, but it's still a struggle sometimes. Regardless of the financial challenges, I've decided to make a concerted effort to spend more one on one time with each of my kids. On May 16th, 2017, I took Elliott to Chuck E Cheeses for our one on one time. It's what he wanted to do and they had a pretty good deal going on. We went to the location at The Strip, in North Canton, Ohio. We were both pretty excited, and I was happy to be in a position to pull this off for him. The deal we took advantage of was $31.00. This deal included a large pizza, two…


Please keep Elliott in your thoughts and prayers 

The boys came home for their Grandparents house, after a fun overnight visit. When Elliott walked in the door, I knew something was wrong when I say his face.  He looked pale and somewhat disoriented.  He kept saying he was okay, but it wasn't very convincing. I gave him a little bit to settle in and then I took his temperature. Unfortunately, my instincts we right and he was running a relatively high fever.  Both he and Emmett went to bed without a problem.  After a few hours, he woke up and came downstairs because he couldn't go back to sleep. He and I ended up camping out in the living room, because he was more comfortable in the couch.  The other benefit is that if he were to get…