Waiting for answers at the @clevelandclinic 

Lizze and I made it to Cleveland, with a bit of time to spare. We did that despite some asshole almost crashing into us as he tried to pass us on the single lane in ramp.  Aside from that, traffic wasn't too bad, and we had a nice conversation.  I'm waiting for Lizze to get out of her appointment. We're hoping that we can manage her nausea, at the very least. There's no cure for gastroparesis, and according to the gastric empty study she had done, roughly fifty percent of what she eats, remains in her stomach, long after her stomach should have emptied.  It's classified as severe.  There's no life threatening anything involved here, but quality of life is severely impacted. 


The important reason we are heading to the @clevelandclinic today

The reason we are going to the Cleveland Clinic today, is so that Lizze can see her gastroenterologist. This is a belated follow-up appointment, in regards to being diagnosed with gastroparesis.  Gastroparesis is basically a slow stomach. That means food stays in her stomach for much longer than it should, and causes a number of problems.  This is why Lizze is nauseous all the time.  We're hoping to find some treatments that help her to get some relief. Unfortunately, there's no cure for this and treatment is limited to diet changes, but there are some medication options.  Lizze will probably put more information on her blog, and you can find that here.  


This was really weird and here’s why

It's going to be a really just day. Lizze and I will be heading to the Cleveland Clinic this morning for an appointment with her gastro. We were supposed to also see her rheumatologist, but in what is among the weirdest things I've seen in regards to the Cleveland Clinic, we received a letter last night, canceling the appointment, and rescheduling it for later in the summer.  This is weird because they choose to send a letter via overnight UPS, rather than a simple phone call. There are a million ways that could've gone wrong, and considering we are coming from out of town, I wouldn't have been happy to find out it was rescheduled, after making the drive.  Anyway, the boys will be going to my parents for the…


Why I hate #meltdowns

From a purely self-centeric perspective, I fucking hate meltdowns. Did I say I hate meltdowns, because I fucking hate meltdowns. I have had all the screaming I can take today.  My God, it's been one meltdown after another today, and I'm trying to put into words what that does to me as a parent.  I understand meltdowns, and I know that they are outside of a person's control. My kids are no exception to that rule. They don't have meltdowns because it's fun for them to experience one. They have them because their bodies reach a point where there's no choice but to purge.  Meltdowns aren't fun for anyone, especially the person having them.  With all that said, I think it's so important that we not discount what a parent or…


Our summer is NOT getting off in the right foot

I don't know what the deal is, but both Elliott and Emmett are not doing well. Health-wise they're fine, but emotionally they're like two freight trains ready to derail at any moment.  Maybe the transition to summer break was harder on them than it typically has been in the past? Maybe it's related to the weather?  Regardless of the root cause, I'm already at my wits end.  Lizze came home and relieved me for awhile. Now she's resting for a bit before we take the boys to the park, weather permitting. I want to go walking, and Emmett has about half of a mile left to go before one of his Pokémon eggs hatches. I'm hoping that will be the motivation he needs to willingly go along with this. Gavin's…


Trying to stay 1 step ahead of the next meltdown

Summer break hasn't been going so well. I know it's really only been two days, but those two days have been completely filled with meltdowns.  Elliott struggled a great deal yesterday, for reasons I never learned. It may simply be a transition thing, but you might not believe how bad some of these meltdowns were. Emmett had his fair share yesterday as well,!  This morning, Emmett is in rare form. He's been screaming for about two hours now.  We were supposed to walk the track this morning, but Emmett is refusing to go. I realize that allowing him to dictate what we do is not a good thing. At the same time, I'm not a masochist. Taking him to walk the track would be a disaster. I'd end up carrying him,…


Just some of the appointments we have coming up

One of the things we are getting caught up on in the very near future, is doctors appointments. We are actually behind on anything, but quite a few are coming due at the same time.  This week, Lizze has two appointments at the Cleveland Clinic. She scheduled them back to back so we could knock them out in one day, rather than having to make two trips.  Gavin has an eye appointment in the coming weeks, and we aren't sure what we are going to be learning about his vision there. We've transferred him to Akron Children's Hospital, from the Cole Eye Institute at the Cleveland Clinic. This was done because aside from needing glasses, his eyes have been checking out great and we should be just fine in Akron. …