Happy 13th Birthday Emmett

I've been working on this one for a few days. I know that's really sad but life is good and I've been very present in it lately. Sometimes that takes me away from writing and that's okay. ☺ Mr. Emmett turned thirteen years old this weekend. He's had a really good birthday, albeit a bit untraditional, I believe he's happy and that's all that matters to me. We've been celebrating over the last couple of days. He opened his present two days early because he just couldn't wait and that's okay. We did a special birthday lunch and dinner. I mean, you only turn thirteen once. You only turn any age once but thirteen is the first big one. Anyway, we're holding off on the cake because he was concerned…


Life is way too short

I was having kind of a rough morning, and you know what? It happens. I'm a grown man and while sometimes it's difficult to not allow my anxiety to get the better of me, I consciously choose a different path this morning. It wasn't easy. The absolute last thing I wanted to do this morning was go workout. I wasn't really in the headspace for that, and a few months ago, I would have allowed those feelings to win. I would have given up before I even got started but not anymore. Thankfully, I'm not the same me that I was a few months ago because I didn't let my mood win. The best thing I could do for myself was go work my ass off at the gym. That's…

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The power of self-care

Guys, I'm feeling really good. I've been hitting the gym almost every morning and I'm so proud of myself for sticking to it. I thought it was going to be hard to get back into it after suffering a major back injury and stepping away for so long. Turns out I was hooked after my first time back. It's kinda like riding a bike. I do have an amazing workout partner and that certainly helps to be able to both support and encourage each other. It's pretty awesome actually. This morning I ended up working out alone but I still showed up and still gave it my all. I'm not gonna lie, I feel pretty fucking amazing and I'm finding myself becoming more comfortable in my own skin. I've come…


It’s noon and everyone is still sleeping

I feel like I slept okay last night. Today is going to be a busy day. Everyone in my house is still sleeping and it's just before noon. I'm pretty sure that between working outside yesterday and the fatigue following the second COVID shot, they're exhausted. I didn't really sleep in today but I wasn't up super early either. Gavin was doing is IVIG Infusion when I took this yesterday. The dogs spent some time outside and I cut the grass already. There's not a lot of shade where I will be working this afternoon and it's already hot and humid. I'm excited to get the work done but not super excited to do it in this heat. Anyway, back to work and we'll see what we can get accomplished…


We made some major progress today

It's been a really long day and I'm going to bed super early. We worked on the outside of the house all day today. My parents came over to help and we accomplished so much. I was telling someone tonight that I feel like I really dropped the ball over the last couple of years with the house and I'm not proud of that. I had a lot going on and I did the best I could in the moment. That said, it feels so good to make progress and move forward. I have most of the house power washed and because of the rain, we haven't been able to paint. We took on the landscaping today instead and made some major headway. For the most part, the kids did…


My life isn’t perfect and that’s okay

The week has gone by quickly and that generally means it's been a good week. It's been a week full of memories and experiences that I wouldn't trade for anything in the world. I'm grateful for everything in my perfectly imperfect life. The boys got their second dose of the COVID vaccine on Thursday and while Elliott is side effect-free, Emmett was in pretty rough shape. He dis okay as long as he was on Motrin. Once it wore off, he was absolutely miserable. He's feels much better today. I love power washing but it's so messy I've not been sleeping well for some reason. I'm a little to preoccupied with some work related nonsense and getting the projects done around the house. We're living in a state of in…


A trip to the emergency room and 2 #covid shots later

It's been a crazy morning but we all survived. Emmett went to bed complaining about pain behind his ear. He had a really hard time sleeping and kept me up for most of the night. When we woke up this morning, he was in tears because it hurt so bad. I could barely keep my eyes open but the kids had to be at Akron Children's Hospital before 10am for their second COVID shot. That was an absolute priority but I was concerned because I didn't know what was going on with Emmett. Ultimately, I decided to drag Elliott out of bed early, which he wasn't happy about, and head to the ER at Akron Children's. My thought was that I'm only one person and I needed to be in…