#Discussion: Do your loved ones with #Autism struggle during the holiday’s?

We've all been there. The hussle and bussle of the holidays can often take a heavy toll on our loved ones with Autism, especially our kiddos on the Spectrum. Frankly, as parents or caregivers, it can take a toll on us as well. If your child or loved one with Autism struggles with the holiday's, what seems to be the source of their struggles? Things like noise, large crowds, anticipation, anxiety, excitement, frequent travel, changes to routine, lights, smells and sounds can be extremely overwhelming for those on the Autism Spectrum. What if anything, have you found, tried or done, that seems to make the holiday's easier for your kids or loved ones on the Spectrum? Have you had to make changes to your holiday plans? I'd love to hear…


#Depression Confession: I spoke with my doctor today

I've had a pretty awesome day so far. The boys got off to school without an issue and back is healing up pretty well. Most of the pain is gone and I have to thank Lizze for taking such good care of me. ☺ I didn't sleep well last night because I was really stuffy and I ended up only getting a few hours of sleep. I took a nap this morning and feel good. There were a few errands I needed to get done before getting to the school. One of them was a biggie for me. I talked to the nurse at my doctor's office about my plan to come off my antidepressants. I explained why I want to do this and while I want to get started…


Depression Confessions: A very personal post about managing #Depression

Today was one of those days where I seriously need a break. The holidays alone are a tremendous amount of pressure. There's parties and family get togethers that really add pressure to the cooker. If we go, the kids are going to be even more difficult to manage but if we don't go, not everyone understands. Lizze and I haven't had a night to ourselves in I don't even remember. I think we had one night off since September-ish. It's not anyone's fault and we're absolutely grateful for the times we do get away from the kids. Sometimes life happens and circumstances change. It's outside of anyone's control. At the same time, it sucks. I'm so physically exhausted and I was talking to our therapist tonight about it. I'm concerned…


Hasn’t he already been through enough?

For the third night in a row, Gavin has struggled to go to sleep because he isn't feeling well. Last night it was a stomachache and headache. Tonight is was a stomachache again. I think we need to get him into his gastro again and this time look at gastroparesis. Lizze has this, it's genetic and it's a large part of what makes her so miserable everyday. We do have a mark in the win column tonight. Gavin did his infusion on his own once again and did a great job. I don't think his condition at bedtime was related to his infusion, but who knows. There weren't any obvious side effects and he didn't have any complaints about how it went. We do however, need to order a new…


Why I’d pull the plug on occupational therapy

The boys had a great day at school. That's not surprising but it's always good to hear. In a little while, I'll be taking Elliott to occupational therapy, although he's going unwillingly. He doesn't like the idea of going and then worries about it until it becomes this huge obstacle. Once he gets there, he ends up having fun and getting a good workout. I wish he wasn't so anxious about it each time because it's like pulling teeth to get him out the door. If I didn't think he'd benefit from it or he wasn't cooperative while he was there, I'd probably pull the plug. There are so many kids waiting to get in and I don't want to waste a slot that someone else could benefit from. Elliott…


How Gaming Can Bring A Family Together

This is a contributed post. The views expressed don't necessarily reflect those of The Autism Dad Blog or its author. Gaming has long been a favourite for many people. It isn’t just boys who love to spend hours in front of a monitor, it is now common for people of all genders and ages to love a good game. However, there seems to be a lot of stigma around gaming. People view it is an addiction or a lazy way of doing something. What they don’t realise is, it actually helps to bring people and families together all over the world. When we say gaming, we don’t just mean PC or console gaming. Board games are a family favourite that seem to unite everyone as a team. Sometimes it might…


City Life is Hard: Learn to Streamline

Times are a-changin', and if you don't keep up with them, no one is going to look back and try to help you up. Of course, you can always just sit in a woodland hut out in the wilderness, hunting for food, your choice. Living in the city is though and it can prove to be quite the ordeal, constant rat race, stress on every corner, big spendings just waiting to pounce on your hard earned money. It really is as bad as it sounds, and yet, everyone keeps coming back to the city, or justbnever leaving in the first place. There is a certain appeal which you cannot really place your finger on, but it’s there. Maybe it’s something to do with running water, central heating or good internet…


We all have our reasons for getting up in the morning, even when it’s hard

Life isn't easy for my family. It's never been easy and there are so many times where I feel like I can't keep going on. Sometimes, the idea of getting up in the morning, only to face the same impossible challenges, is just too much. On the other side of the coin, there are moments when I'm reminded why I have to keep going. These moments help me find the strength and courage to keep moving, even when it's not easy to do so. Tonight was one of those nights. ☺