Read more about the article I need to build a new routine for the school year

I need to build a new routine for the school year

We begin a new week that will hopefully include Emmett returning to school. He was not thrilled to have school closed for a week, when he was only two days into the new school year. My day began with a wonderful early morning walk, and some great conversation. It's really weird not going to the gym right now but I'm thrilled be at least be able to take these walks. I'm planning a hike for this weekend and I'm very much looking forward to that. I'm healing well from surgery and my stitches get removed on or around the September 8th. I can't wait to put all of this behind me and continue moving forward. I'll be starting the week with a day full of meetings and I'm looking forward…

Read more about the article Little moments of clarity

Little moments of clarity

Woke up today feeling pretty good and eager to go for a walk. I was up long before everyone else and I'm sitting in my living room, enjoying the quiet. I've been preaching about self-care for years because it's so vitally important. I try to focus on self-care in my own life on a daily basis. There are times however, where I experience these moments of clarity, and today was one of those moments. It's not that I don't recognize or appreciate the importance of self-care, but today as I sat on my couch, in total silence, I was very much in the moment. The peace and quiet was captivating. I appreciated being able to hear my own thoughts, without all the usual distraction. It was a fantastic way to…


The first week of school is behind us and a few other updates

The first full week of school has come and gone. It didn't go as planned but we adapted. Elliott had a great week and he really seems to like high school. Emmett on the other hand ended up having almost the entire week off due to the excessive heat. The grade school doesn't have AC and the heat index inside the school was over 100F. That's obviously a problem, so they called things of with hopes of returning on Monday. Elliott has AC in his building but it's still hot. Both boys have informed me about the mask policies in their respective buildings and I'm not feeling super comfortable with it. While they are sitting at their desk, they don't have to wear a mask. This tweet from today is…


In pain but staying positive

It's been a pretty good day, all things considered. I got a lot accomplished and I feel good about that. I've been in a decent amount of pain today and it's gotten worse as the day wears on. Have you ever experienced pain that just sorta made you nauseated? That's how I'm feeling at the moment. I've been through far worse but this still kinda sucks. I'm so impressed by my kids because they are all doing so well under the circumstances. Everyone is being extra helpful and I really appreciate that. I'm so grateful for all their help. Next week I will begin recording again. There are some important topics that I hope will be of benefit. At this point, I'm taking on COVID, self-care, stuff specifically geared for…


Surgery went well and I humbly thank my friends at the @ClevelandClinic

I really appreciate all the concern. It took a bit longer to get this out than I had originally planned because I'm moving a little slower than I thought I would be, but I wanted to let you all know how I'm doing. I'm in between meetings at the moment so I will make this super quick. Yesterday I had surgery at the Cleveland Clinic to remove a cyst that was right in the center of my back, along my spine. This was elective in the sense that it wasn't giving me any problems yet but it would become problematic if left alone. I simply chose to deal with it before it became a problem. The surgery went great. It's a surreal experience to have your back operated on while…


I’m more than the sum of my flaws

I'm sitting here today sorta going through the highlights of my last 43 years of life. I'm going to be very honest and say that my life feels like it's been a mixed bag, but I think that's how life is realistically supposed to be. There are highs and lows throughout this journey, and our job is to ride the waves. I feel like I've done that for the most part. So much has happened during my 42nd year and it's helped mold me into the man I currently am. I want to look back on some of the changes that have occurred in my life and remember the what those experiences have taught me. I'd even like to glance forward and see what 43 will have to offer. There…

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I think 43 going to be my best year yet

For those who don't know, I turn 43 years old on Tuesday of this week. I used to hate the idea of getting older because it scared me. I've since learned to embrace life in all its stages and live them to their fullest. Turning 43 isn't upsetting to me all and it feels good not to be dreading my birthday. In fact, 43 looks to be my best year ever and I'm excited for all the new adventures. Over the weekend, I went out to dinner for my birthday, and it was amazing. The kids are doing great being back at school and that's awesome. I don't really have any plans for Tuesday aside from sneaking in one last workout before my surgery on Wednesday. I'm a little nervous…

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Transitions Suck

I had a really early start to my day and it was totally worth it. Sometimes I need some motivation to get up earlier than I would otherwise, but I'm always glad I did. I want to start my days eariler whenever I can. That's a goal going forward. The school year has officially begun and we got off without a hitch. Both boys are masked and vaccinated. Please do the same as soon as it becomes available. Let's keep each other and our families safe. Starting a new school year isn't nearly as stressful as it once was but that doesn't mean it's stress free, because it's not.  As the kids have gotten older and gained more independence, I don't need to be as heavily involved as I…