This goes in the win column

We managed to beat the bad weather this afternoon and sneak in a a roughly 30 minute walk. It's the first family walk we've gone on in at least a week. One of my goals this summer is to get the kids out walking at least a few times a week. We are going to explore some of the Stark Park hiking trails in order to keep things interesting. Everyone did great while we were out. Not only that, but it was a device-less walk as well. That means there was no Pokémon hunting being done. The boys were outside, not playing video games and enjoying the weather. ☺ I'm going to stick this right into the win column..


It’s a bittersweet blessing

I went back and forth a few times with multiple people from Akron Children's Hospital this morning, trying to figure out the missing lab work thing. I'm happy and relieved to say that I think we're good now. ☺ We have the pre-op prep instructions that he will begin on Monday and while unpleasant, it should be okay. Lizze and I have both twisted ourselves up over this set of procedures that Gavin will have done on Monday. While a colonoscopy and endoscopy aren't catastrophic in nature, it's not something many 18 year olds have done. I'll be 40 in August and I've never had one done. We never want to put any of our kids through anything that's unnecessary, especially if it's more invasive. The reality is, Gavin can't…


Pre-testing at @AkronChildrens Hospital went better than expected

It's been a really long and emotional day. I wanted to quickly let you know how testing went this morning at Akron Children's Hospital. This was all in regards to the medically necessary procedures Gavin needs to have done on the 5th of June. We had been concerned about how he would react to learning what was going to be taking place. Gavin was never going to refuse anything but we were concerned that he would be freaked out after learning about what a colonoscopy and endoscopy are all about. There was never going to be a challenge gaining Gavin's cooperation because that's just how Gavin works. We were simply worried that he would panic and be freaked out for the next 5 days until he was scheduled for surgery.…


I’m losing my son to Childhood Disintegrative Disorder

This was a very difficult video to record. I did my best to hold it together but talking about Childhood Disintegrative Disorder and how it's impacted my oldest son, Gavin, is incredibly painful. CDD is a very rare and regressive form of Autism. A child will develop typically, hitting appropriate milestones and then one day, around the age of 4, everything changes. You can read more about CDD here:

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We’ve arrived at @AkronChildrens Hospital for pre-testing

It's not even 7AM and we're sitting in the lobby of the surgery wing on the 4th floor of Akron Children's Hospital. This is an appointment that we're a bit nervous about because we aren't sure how Gavin's going to react. The whole point is to go over the details of his upcoming scopes, make sure we understand everything and discuss any concerns. It should be pretty simple. We go over everything in great detail, have a basic health screening and gain a better understanding of what to expect on June 5th. We're a bit nervous because Gavin tends to frighten easily and let's face it, who actually likes the idea of getting an endoscopy or colonoscopy? We also aren't sure how this will go as Gavin is 18 years…

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I totally need to sleep tonight

I'm going to bed early because we're starting our day at 5AM. It's going to be a long morning and I'm not sure how it's going to go. I haven't been sleeping well and I'm hoping to get enough to make battling traffic something I can handle. lol The boys are at my parents house tonight and we'll pick them up on the way home. Hopefully, everything will go well and we can move on with the rest of the week.


We overcame one of the challenges in regards to Gavin turning 18

We were able to reconnect with Gavin's MyChart account this week. When he turned 18 this past January, his account was closed and he needed to open up a new one. MyChart, for those unfamiliar with it, is an app that connects you with places like the Cleveland Clinic and Akron Children's Hospital. It gives you access to your medical records and future appointments. You can request prescription refills and even schedule an appointment or send a message to your doctor. It's pretty amazing. When I set this up for all three of the boys, I had access to all three under one account. As a parent, this is very, very helpful and like I said, when Gavin turned 18, he automatically dropped off. Getting account access back is complicated…


Even if we had the power, would it give us the right?

We have a conundrum and aren't sure what the right thing to do is. In less than 24 hours, we return to Akron Children's Hospital for pre-testing and consultation in regards to Gavin's endoscopy and colonoscopy, which is a bit more complicated because of Gavin's health issues. At this point in time, Gavin either doesn't know or doesn't remember that he's having these done in June 5th. When we arrive at Akron Children's Hospital tomorrow for the meeting, we're going to be going over in great detail, all that's going to transpire. Our concern is that Gavin is going to freak out. For an average person, these things can be scary but for an 18 year old with the mind of a 6 year old, it could end up being…