The really cool reason we’re going to the @AkronZoo today

We're off to the Akron Zoo this morning for a special event sponsored by Wishes Can Happen. For those who don't know, Wishes Can Happen granted Gavin's wish last Fall. It was an amazing experience and you can read about it here. Since then, there have been quite a few additional surprises, the latest being a free trip to the zoo. We were concerned about bad weather this weekend but it looks like it might just hold out. Everyone's excited to go and it will be nice to see the people from Wishes Can Happen, as well as meet some of the other wish families. Last night, we all went for a walk to make sure that Gavin was going to be up to going to the zoo, after having…


Here’s how Gavin’s surgery went at @AkronChildrens Hospital today

Unfortunately, I'm not feeling very well tonight and I think it's my body turning on me because of all the stress. I'm going to make this super quick because there isn't a great deal of information to share for another week or so. As I said eariler, Gavin's surgery went well. The staff at Akron Children's Hospital are second to none and we are so grateful for how well they treated Gavin. The entire procedure was about thirty minutes and it went smoothly, without any complications. Gavin did well under anesthesia and that was something we were a hit concerned about because of his autonomic disorder. When the doctor met with us after, she explained that almost everything looks great. They only problem they found was in his stomach. There…


A quick update because just got home

We just arrived home. Everything went as well as expected. I'll explain what they found a little bit later on. Right now I'm going to be bed. Gavin is taking a nap and sleeping off the rest of the anesthesia. I appreciate all the support we've been shown in the last say or so as we prepped for today. Thank you very much.. ☺ I'll be back after I get some sleep.


We have arrived at @AkronChildrens for Gavin’s surgery

We've made it and made it early, thrifty minutes early to be exact. We had anticipated construction but it didn't occur to me that we would be driving through before the workers started for the day. Anyway, we're here, checked in and waiting for a room. I appreciate all the thoughts and prayers that have been coming in all night. This should be fairly quick and painless. Let me tell you how much I don't want to be awake right now. 😉 Zzzzzzz


Please keep Gavin in your thoughts and prayers

Everything is a go and I'm off to bed cause we have to be up and moving around 4 AM. I'm not looking forward to that at all but I'm grateful it's actually happening that early because Gavin won't have to go without eating any longer than he has to. In theory, and barring any problems, we should be on our way home by lunch time. I don't know if we're picking the kids up on the way home or if we're going to be able to sleep for a bit first. I know that all Gavin cares about is getting a burger on the way home. ☺ Speaking of Gavin, he's very nervous about the procedures. That's a bit unexpected because he was fine the last time. He was…


Gavin’s scheduled for surgery tomorrow but did we get everything worked out?

I need to get you all caught up on Gavin's status and whether or not his scheduled surgery is a go for tomorrow. I couldn't really share anything until this afternoon because I didn't get the final word until a few hours ago. There are three things that needed to be addressed before we could move forward with his surgery. So we're on the same page, Gavin is scheduled for a colonoscopy and endoscopy. The doctors refer to it as surgery, I assume that's because of the biopsies but regardless, I'm keeping consistent with what terms his doctors and the hospital are using. I should mention that part of the complication with this whole thing is Gavin's overall health. As a result, he can't have the procedures done the way…


I can’t take it anymore

I've got a tremendous amount on my plate already and frankly, sometimes I'm at the end of my rope, holding on for dear life. The very last thing in the world I need right now is to hear these motherf***ing squirrels running around in my attic. It's driving me crazy. There's probably a dozen of them and they've made the 3rd floor of my home their playground. There are things I can ignore and there are things I can't. These squirrels are one of those things I simply cannot cope with. While I can't get up on a ladder and repair the hole they are getting in through (my back simply won't allow that anymore), I can go to Home Depot and by a live trap. I can trap every last one…


Trying to explain how I feel isn’t easy

I thought I would take a few minutes and talk about where I'm at right now. I don't mean where I'm physically at, but instead where I'm at emotionally. I haven't really spoken about my mental health for a little while and because it's a huge part of my life, it's important to talk about. There are so many pieces and parts that make up the person I am but my mental health has an overwhelming impact on all of them. I would never represent myself as the picture of mental health because that couldn't be further from the truth. I struggle at times. In fact, there are times I struggle a great deal. Those struggles aren't always associated with my ongoing, lifelong war with Depression either, which you can…