My struggle with #Depression and #anxiety is very real right now

If it hasn't been obvious from my recent postings, I've been struggling with depression and anxiety lately. It's impacting many areas of my life and I can't really single out a singular trigger. I can, however, say that life has become more difficult as of late. Something you may not know about depression is that that it can be different for everyone. I don't always feel bad or even anxious but sometimes I do. There are times when I feel like I'm compensating rather well and then all of a sudden, it's like I walked full speed, straight in a brick wall. I can go from everything is fine to crippling thoughts and unrelenting anxiety in an instant. Realistically, I'm sure it's a more gradual process than that but it…


I needed this walk to clear my head

We've had a pretty decent morning. I was able to sleep in because once again, Lizze never fell asleep. She was still awake when the kids woke up and let me sleep in. That was really nice of her. 😀 Gavin had a successful IVIG infusion first thing and shortly after I woke up, I took Elliott to my parent's house. He's going to go out to lunch with her and my grandpa. I stuck around and visited for a few minutes before heading to the park to get my time in. I did notice, as did everyone else, that Elliott was nonstop talking and couldn't sit still. He was literally walking around the table, talking about anything he could think of. I was getting overwhelmed, so I hugged him,…

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If I got paid for worrying, I’d be filthy stinking rich

We've come to the early end of the school week and the beginning of a four day weekend. I had this in my calendar but for some reason, I forgot about it until Emmett reminded me the other night. I love having my kids home but after a long stressful week, the idea of a four day weekend has me already feeling overwhelmed. There are so many things that I'm struggling with right now and I'm being pulled in many different directions, all at the same time. Everyone in the house is facing their own set of unique challenges. Some are more challenging for me to deal with on a personal level, but everyone is struggling. I need to do an update on Gavin because he's hearing new voices calling…


3 Awesome Modern Toys Great For Children with #Autism

This is a contributed post and therefore does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of this blog or its author.   Whether it’s Christmas, Birthdays or really any special occasion, it can be difficult knowing what to get children as toys. For Autism parents, this can be even more of a challenge because you need to know the type of items that kids with this condition are going to love, interact with and enjoy using. The good news is that tech has evolved since you were younger and there are lots of exciting possibilities on the market, many of which could be a great choice for a child with Autism. Let’s look at a few of these possibilities and consider whether they are the right option for your child.…


I’ve had to have this heartbreaking conversation too many times already

I feel like I'm beginning to crack under the pressure of everything. The kids are all over the place tonight and I love them to pieces but I wouldn't hate it if they were a bit quieter and a bit more cooperative. Gavin is driving me crazy with his incessant talking about the same goddamn thing, over and over again. It doesn't matter what kind of mood I'm in or how bad of a day I'm having, he just keeps coming at with stuff about his games. He hasn't the first clue how annoying it is and he's not doing it to create trouble, he just can't help himself. Many times there's just no escaping the onslaught of verbiage coming out of his mouth. If he does catch himself trying…


How did I miss this?

I've been staring at my calender all week, either searching for appointments or scheduling interviews and new appointments. As much as I've been looking over things this week, I failed to notice something. As I was getting the boys to school, this morning, Emmett pointed out that they have a 4 day weekend. I love my kids but inside my head I was like fuck, a 4 day fucking weekend, are you kidding me? Not sure how things are going to go but it's probably best to make some plans to keep them occupied. I'm already a bit too stressed out and the idea of a 4 day weekend is alot bit overwhelming.


My plans keep changing but that’s okay

The plan was to go walking and then pick up the kids from school. As I was parking at the park I walk at, my Mom called and needed me to come over to help with my Grandpa. As much as I wanted to walk before picking up the boys up from school, some things are more important. I headed over, helped my amazing Grandpa and hung out for a bit. Lizze called and needed Ginger Ale, so I stopped by the store on the way to the school and picked some up. She experiences a great deal of nausea as a result of her stomach issues and overall pain. Ginger Ale is her goto for relief. Now I'm waiting for the boys to be dismissed. Assuming they're doing okay,…


Just got home from having my hand x-rayed

I just got home and I have no broken bones. They said it was badly bruised and the radiologist will have a look at it, just in case. If they see anything that was missed, they'll call me. My hand hurts like hell and it's pretty swollen but it could definitely be worse. The way I see it is I did the crime and now I do the time. It's going to be a rough few days as the bruising heals and the swelling goes down. Ice, Tylenol, and elevation will be my friends.