Top Sofa Materials for Sensory-Seeking Little Ones
When your children are actively seeking out sensory stimulation, rather than avoiding it, you have the perfect opportunity to adapt your home to suit them. Something as simple as changing out the soft furnishings in your home so that their little sensory-seeking brains have something to cling to and work with can do wonders in keeping them happy and even calm. Top Sensory-Stimulating Materials One of the easiest, most budget-friendly ways to make your home a better place for sensory-seeking little ones is to simply choose the right sofa material. • Velvet Velvet is a luxurious material that’s addictive to touch, making it a great choice for kids who are constantly seeking out some sort of sensory stimulation. Parents get a beautiful velvet green sofa, and the kids have something soft and exciting to touch and brush against when they sit on it. • Corduroy Another great material is corduroy.…