Sometimes I need to feel normal

I'm going to put aside all our problems for today because Avengers: Endgame is out and we're going this afternoon. The kids get out of school at 3 PM, and we're going to head straight to the theater. I hate using the word normal, but the truth is, sometimes it's important to feel normal. Sometimes it's beneficial to get away from everything that's making life stressful and forget about our problems, even if it's only for a few hours. The kids have had a rough couple of weeks, and we've always made it a point to go see the Marvel movies as a family. We don't get to do a ton of cool things but this is something we can pull off, and the kids love every minute of it.…


This made me smile today

It's been a rough day for a multitude of reasons. Rather than focus on the negatives, I wanted to share something a bit more uplifting and positive. I feel like it's important to focus on the positives as much as possible. I realize it's not always easy, especially for Autism parents but it's a good habit to get into. Admittedly, it's still a work in progress for me personally, but I'm making a concerted effort. That said... If you have been following for a while, you know that Gavin used to be quite fond of drawing. As his daily struggles increase and he loses touch with reality, he drifted away from his more artistic side. It was sad to see that part of him fade away because he was always…


Review: Jaybird Run XT, Truly Wireless Earbuds by @jaybirdsport

Before we get started, I want to thank Jaybird/Logitech for sponsoring this review and in doing so, helping to support my Autism Awareness efforts. All opinions contained herein are my own. As a veteran Autism and Special Needs parent of nearly twenty years, I'm a huge proponent of self-care. I have made the conscious decision in my life, to take better care of myself because I need to be here as long as possible for my kids. I encourage all my parents to do the same because being an Autism parent isn't easy and stress management is crucial for both physical and emotional health. My big thing is walking. I love walking, and I go pretty much every single day, regardless of the weather. I'm very particular about this process…


24 hours of devastating meltdowns

Gavin is not having a good day. We've already survived several meltdowns, and that was before 9 AM. Yesterday was pretty rough for him as well, and I'm not sure what's going on. Yesterday, he lost it because I was paying him a compliment. I think it came down to semantics on his part. Here's what happened. When I picked him up yesterday morning so I could take him to get his blood work done, I noticed that he was wearing a hoodie. Gavin has this thing where he automatically defaults to wearing his winter coat, hat, and gloves, even in warmer weather. All I did was compliment him for dressing appropriately for the weather. I asked him if he'd checked the weather before heading out to the car and…


I put myself in timeout this morning

We're having a rough morning, and I'm taking a timeout, so I can not lose sight of what's going on. I figured I write a quick post and hopefully, I'll feel better afterward. I can't tell if I slept well or not. I'm in a good mood but feel run down, so I'm in sort of a weird place. Mr. Emmett is finally returning to school after a week of illness, and while he's excited, he's also freaking out. He incredibly anxious and not coping with the change to his current routine. Kids with Autism, generally are not fans of change. Emmett is no exception, and even small amounts of change can destabilize him. He gets anxious, and that leads to overstimulation. Meltdowns are very common as a result, and…


How To React In A Natural Disaster 

Having children that have autism can teach you many things. A natural curiosity for the human mind is definitely going to grow in you. The effort to learn about how your child thinks and what could possibly make their life better is always going to be something you want to have continually.


Even the best-laid plans can fall short

Poor Emmett went to bed and woke up with a headache. We had thought he would be returning to school today, but he woke up with his right eye stuck closed again. I spoke with the school, and even though he's been on the antibiotics for 24 hours, they aren't looking to introduce pink eye into the classroom. We decided it was best to give him another day on the eye drops before sending him back. When I took Elliott to school, I discovered that our car had been broken into again and everything trashed. I know I locked the doors because I heard the horn beep last night. The only thing I can think of is that it's unlocking itself and before you think I'm crazy, let me explain.…


#Autism parenting is an uphill battle every single day and that’s okay

I'm not looking for life to be easy. I'm not looking for anything to be handed to me either. What I would very much appreciate is a level playing field. Life as a full-time caregiver to four people with special needs is rewarding, challenging, never dull and absolutely exhausting. As an Autism and Special Needs parent, there are things I have to worry about constantly, that won't even show up on most others radar. Each one of these worries weighs heavy and keeps me up at night because my brain is continually trying to find solutions to the many problems facing my family. There are so many things I wish I could change about my life, but my wife and kids aren't one of them. Sure, I'd take away their…

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