Crumbling: An honesty post

I have always said I would be completely honest in what I write here. I feel it's important for people to understand the toll Autism takes on the entire family. This is an honesty post. I'm at my breaking point. Gavin has taken such a toll on this family. The stress of everything he has going on and the behaviors that result is destroying my family. Elliott Richard is so stressed out that he is breaking out in hives. Gavin continues to tell ER things that terrify him. ER continues to have anxiety issues and nightmares as a result. Now, I'll be honest and say I love all my kids but ER is my soft spot. I don't know if it's because he's my first born or because of almost…


10 Things my Autistic child wishes you knew

New article up. The topic is "10 Things my Autistic child wishes you knew". As always, every time you you subscribe to or even click to view my work you are helping to support the Lost and Tired family. So if you like what I write please share the links and subscribe to my page. Thanks Again.


The Midwest Represented in The Middle

Posted by Dorian Compton The Middle is a comedy show that I enjoy on Direct TV hd programming. It tells the story of a middle class family living in the Midwest region of the Unites States and facing the usual problems that a family usually would. This includes children trying to become their own person, relatives that constantly inconvenience the family and all the comedy in between. The Middle began airing on ABC in September 2009. The father, Mike Heck lost his job but now manages a quarry and his wife Frankie works as a not-so-successful car salesperson as she lost her dental assistant job. They have three children; Axle, the eldest is going through puberty while the only daughter, Sue, is a self-conscious girl who wears braces and is…


Autism is taking it’s toll

Elliott Richard is having major anxiety issues. He is so stressed out that he's breaking out in hives (Lizze does the same thing). ER is our "typical" child. While he's most likely very high functioning Asperger's unless you knew what you were looking for you would never know it. He is very well adjusted and a social butterfly but he does have the anxiety. and sensory issues. Dr. Patti said he needs to be reassured and made to feel safe. That is a lot easier said then done. How are you supposed to help him to feel safe when Gavin is freaking out as often as he does? How do we make him safe when Gavin tells him the scary things he does? As difficult as it is to raise…


Autism or side effect?

So Gavin keeps peeing his pants. I will be taking the advice received about setting the timer. That's a great idea. The concern right now is whether or not this is a side effect to the Lithium. Loss of bladder control can be a side effect to Lithium. Gavin goes back to Dr. R this week for a follow up to the med change. We'll have to ask him what he thinks. I know this can be fairly typical in Asperger's kids but this has become more of a problem as of late. What's really weird is how calm he is when it happens. He used to totally freak out when this happened. Now he just casually shouts out the he pee'd his pants. Very strange behaviour and certainly not…


The 10 year old toddler

This article is about the struggles that special needs parents face in dealing with the gap between chronological and emotional age of their Autistic child/children.. Check it out. The 10 year old toddler As always, every time you you subscribe to or even click to view my work you are helping to support the Lost and Tired family. So if you like what I write please share the links and subscribe to my page. Thanks Again.