Gavin Crisis: Akron Kids Day 2 7:30pm

We just finished up our visit with Gavin went well. Its defiantly a different environment then what we experienced at Cleveland.. Gavin as well as other patients are wearing scrubs. Very few personal effects are allowed. They have their entire day mapped out on a board. Gavin attends school while he is there and is responsible for his own room. The environment is very blah, the reason for this is to keep the excitement to a minimum. I have to say that as frustrated as I am with Gavin's behaviors the moment I say him there like that I wanted to rescue him and bring him home. Don't get me wrong they take good care of him but seeing your child like that is very difficult.


Gavin Crisis: Akron Children’s Hospital Day 2

Lizze and I are at Akron Kids meeting with the doctors. Not sure yet what is going to happen as we are still waiting. I think it's more of an interview then anything else. Gavin is doing ok but is getting agitated because he isn't getting his way like he did before. The doctor has already called us e times today. He wanted permission to put him back on anti-psychotics. He said he clearly needs them. We are going with Risperadol because it worked the best with no side effects and he last took it like 3 years ago. This is a totally different experience then we had before. He has a guard or "sitter" do to his history of being sexually aggressive. This protects everyone including himself. This way…

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Gavin Crisis: Akron Childrens Hospital 9pm

Lizze just got home from Akron. Apparently her and I need to go to parenting therapy in the afternoon as part of their program. Not to sure about that as this isn't a parenting issue. Lizze will be doing a full update so watch for it at


Gavin Crisis: Akron Children’s Day 1

Gavin is being "committed" to the psychiatric ward at Akron Children's Hospital. It was a battle this morning. Gavin has been extremely aggressive all day. They were going to transfer him to Youngstown but decided not to at the last minute. While in the ER Gavin got very aggressive with Lizze. They even had a security guard in his room. So we are waiting to get a room. More later. Thanks for the thoughts and prayers


Please Pray for Everyone

Gavin is going to Akron Children's Hospital. He has become extremely violent and much to dangerous to be here. We can't keep everyone safe from him including himself. Please pray they can help him.


Crisis: A review of the Cleveland Clinic Part 2

Finally got a new article up. This will begin my review of our Cleveland Clinic experience. “Crisis: A review of the Cleveland Clinic Part 2“ As always, every time you subscribe to or even click to view my work you are helping to support the Lost and Tired family. So if you like what I write please share the links and subscribe to my page. Thanks Again.


Autism and the “blended” family

Autism affects all families it touches. Blended families are especially affected. As you know I adopted Gavin he is not mu biological son. I want to be very clear that I'm not necessarily proud of how I feel but it is my reality so here it goes. Right now I am having a really hard time with Gavin because he is having such a negative impact on his younger brothers. I know it's not always his fault but it impacts regardless of intentions. I have given Gavin the last 10 years of my life and now it has become apparent that the 2 youngest desperately need a reprieve from all of this. That will never happen with Gavin struggling the way he is right now. Go ahead and get out…

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A huge Thank You….

Please accept my sincerest Thank You to everyone who subscribed to my Examiner page. I now have 54 subscribers. My goal was to get 50 prior to my birthday on Aug 24th. You guys are the best. Thank you for your support. If you haven't already subscribed you can do it for free. Please check out the "stickied" post at the top of this page for information on how to do that. I want to say a special Thank you to Deb and Marc as well as Stuart and his family for their help and support. Thanks again.

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