New article up at Examiner

I have a new article up at the Examiner "Let's get Fit for Autism". I know I am beating this drum pretty loud right now but I cannot impress upon you enough the importance of taking time to care for yourself. As always, every time you subscribe to or even click to view my work you are helping to support the Lost and Tired family. So if you like what I write please share the links and subscribe to my page. Thanks Again.


It’s been awhile

I haven't written anything meaningful in awhile. The reason for that is that I have just been to overwhelmed with life. Things aren't getting any easier at the Lost and Tired household. As of 2 days ago we are officially without a car. My parents have been gracious enough to allow us to use theirs in order to get the kids to and from school. The humiliating truth is that we are stretched far to thin to really afford another car payment. We are barely surviving as it is and extra burden might collapse us financially but what choice do I have. My reason for bringing this up is to show just one of the many problems/challenges facing the special needs parent. Often times  (as is true in our case)…

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Fit for Autism has racked up 100 miles so far

The Fit for Autism team has racked up 100 miles today. We have only been going a few weeks and I think that's a huge accomplishment. Thanks to everyone for their support and commitment to the getting healthy and spreading Autism Awareness. Rob


Fit for Autism 9/02/2010

I walked 6 miles yesterday. My personal best since my back injury. If you would like to join "Fit for Autism" send and email to i'll get an invite off to you right away. Everything is tracked via My hope is that I get as many people to join as possible. The more we have the more attention we can get and the more Autism awareness we can spread. Anyone wanting to support the cause is welcomed to join. We owe our kids healthy parents and this is what I'm doing to make sure my kids have that.



Seven years ago I married my best friend. Those that know us are aware of all we have been through. Despite the odds not being in our favor we are still together and still going strong. Lizze, I love you so much and I'm grateful for everyday you have given me. I know our life is far from easy but I know that it will just make us stronger. I love you.


Emmett John: The heart attack inducing toddler

This actually illustrates quiet well some of the challenges facing the special needs parent. Autistic kids have sensory needs and will often do anything to fulfill those needs, even at their own risk. I was taking a random video of Emmett John just trying out the camera and this happened. He has very specific sensory needs and he gets some of them filled by jumping on the couch. He didn't get hurt in this video but he does quiet often trying to ground himself. I was taking a random video of Emmett John just trying out the camera and this happened. He has very specific sensory needs and he gets some of them filled by jumping on the couch. He didn't get hurt in this video but he does quiet often trying to ground…


Welcome to my life. Enter at your own risk

On Tuesday morning we took Gavin to see Dr. R. We found out that Gavin can no longer safely take his MUCH NEEDED anti-psychotics. We knew we needed to adjust the Lithium but he needed bloodwork first.  Wednesday morning Lizze took Gavin for his bloodwork and he did great. While she was gone I was revieving our business and personal checking only to find out there had been 2 unauthorized transactions the night before. This makes 3 times so far in August. After I freaked out I thought "at least we weren't overdrawn". Then I realized that I cut payroll eariler that week and those checks hadn't cleared. Now there isn't enough left in the account to clear the checks. They will probably clear over the weekend and that will…