New car update

As of Monday we were finally approved for a van at Mullinex Ford in North Canton.  My sales guy confirmed the approval Monday afternoon and said I could sign the papers and pick up the car today.  I called this morning and I get "didn't someone call you ?".  I said no I haven't had a returned phone call yet this week.  Turns out the "approved " financing fell through and no one thought enough of me to let me know.  All week I thought I had finally accomplished my goal of getting a car, but I guess not.  I 'm not sure how this happens but it 's what I get for getting my hopes up.  They are submitting the paperwork again but I doubt anything will change.  Either…



Gavin is driving me up a wall.  He has to tell me EVERYTHING going through his head. It grates on my nerves and is pushing me to the brink. To make matters worse EVERYONE in the house is sick and his incessant questioning just make everything worse. You gotta love him though he is doing really well with ER and EJ. I really hope we get him balanced out so e all have some peace and relative quite. Posted to Wordpress via my Epic 4G


Elliott Richards pride and joy

This is Mr.  Lizard. Elliott Richard and I have been raising him together for about 3 months now. He was about 3 inches when we got him and now he's almost a foot long. He still has a lot of growing to do yet. I wanted to teach Elliott Richard about responsibility (the normal age appropriate kind). He loves taking care of Mr. Lizard and feeds him 2 times a day. He is even trying to teach him not to poop on the basking rock ;-) Little things like raising a pet together has allowed us to connect on a different level.  I don't ever want to lose that with him.  Posted to Wordpress via my Epic 4G

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A Lost and Tired Guest Post

Our very good friend/family Nikky wanted to guest post today. This is in response to the iggnorance I experienced at a car dealership last week while trying to buy a new car. So  here we go.  Thanks Nikky..... Click on her name to vist her blog...... "I wish you knew my friends.  They are unlike anyone else I know. They are the strongest, most loyal, resilient, hard working people I know. But most people don’t know that, and most don’t care to try to. What you see on the outside isn’t what is on the inside. They are a family of five who may appear to be like any other family. There is a mom, a dad, and three boys. They don’t live in the best part of town and definitely…


Emmett John and Autism

Emmett John has been behaving more Artistic lately.  That might sound weird but he is developing more behaviors typical to Autistic children.  He is shrieking and or screaming all he time.  The words he was using are disappearing as well.  We have to start or restart rather,  teaching him American Sign Language.  We have no other way to effectively communicate with him.  It 's exhausting to same cyber least.  He seems to be more sensitive to things like touch and texture then he was previously. On top of that the poor guy has been sick the past few days and that makes everything worse for him.  I pray we make it through the week and we all get better.


I’m trying to get back on track

The past few weeks have been pretty rough for me.  Really this entire summer has been rough.  Gain spent time in 2 different children's hospitals and that was hard on everyone.  I haven't been writing much lately because I have been 2 overwhelmed and frustrated with life.  We got hit pretty hard financially this summer. That effects everything and everyone.  We got behind on our mortgage and our car died leaving us carless. I have been all over Northeast Ohio looking for a new car. I get met with the same denials do to credit.  It is really hard for me to know that I cannot provide for my family better.  I love being self sufficient in every aspect of my life.  So I find it difficult to have to…


How far would you go…….

I finally found a dealer to work with on my car hunt. I shared my story and explained what I needed. While doing paperwork there was a thing on the news about that woman in N. Carolina fighting the restaurant that won't let her Autistic son eat there because he make to much noise. this restaurant owner actually said on tv that "she can't believe they actually take a child like that out in public". At this point one of the sales lady screams "that's bullshit". Keep in mind this one of the largest dealers in Ohio. She went on to bash the special needs mother in her quest to fight intollerance. The sales lady said a child with Autism just needs dicipline. Autism isn't an excuse to misbehave. She…


Yes, I’m still alive

This has been a rough week. I have been trying to find a car all week. It's really demoralizing hear "we can't help you" over and over again. Our last hope is still in the works and we should know in the morning sometime. The kids are actually doing ok right now. Gavin being the exception. He is very manic but well behaved right now. We just finished up his first week back and it was a good one. I wish I had more to say but I am just to exhausted to think right now.  Thanks for sticking around. I will be posting a story that deeply affected me over the weekend.

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