Health update

We are all still sick.  Everyone is feeling better but still grumpy and still with a nasty cough.  I don't know if we are sending the boys to school yet.  They need to go back but they really have a nasty cough.  Everyone has been to the doctor and it just has to run its course.  I think we will call the schools in the morning and ask what they think.  I feel really crappy and my chest hurts. I will try to get in to the doctors this week and go from there.  Lizze is in the same boat as me but her fibre makes it even worse.  That's it for now .... Gavin updates will be soon...... Posted to Wordpress via my Epic 4G


Weekend Update

Well the weekend has come and gone and I 'm pleased to announce we found a van.  It 's a 99 windstar sel. Fully loaded and in perfect shape.  The body looks to be only a few years old.  I'll post pics later. The price was right and we had to make a move.  The only problem it the transmission is shifting a little rough between 1st and 2nd gear sometimes.  Taking it to get looked at in the morning.  Even if I have to rebuild the transmission it will be worth it the car is in that good of shape. Thanks for the prayers as we were looking. Posted to Wordpress via my Epic 4G


Dear God,

My kids are Artistic and have a hard enough time with everyday life.  Do you think maybe you could give them some type of shield that keeps them from EVER GETTING SICK.  If that's not possible could you maybe create a "happy place" for me to go to. I know you can do at least that ;-) If all else fails could you at least see to it that they are NEVER all sick at the same time. That is a truly challenging task, especially when Lizze and I are sick as well.  While I appreciate your confidence in my ability to handle these things, I fear you may have over estimated my ability to do so. PS: If none of my above requests are in the cards, how about…

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6:30am meltdown…

Gavin has this nasty habit of trying to parent his siblings.  He corrects them and sometimes even try to discipline them.  It doesn't matter how many times I tell him he's not their parent he just keeps on doing it anyway.  He did it again this morning with Emmett John and I reminded him he's not the parent. I asked him to repeat what I said and he lost it and started freaking out.  He flipped around on the ground like a fish out of water.  This is going to be a very long weekend. Posted to Wordpress via my Epic 4G

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If vaccines cause Autism…..

If vaccines cause Autism then why do kids never vaccinated develop Autism. If vaccines cause Autism then why to kids in 3rd world vaccine-less countries develop Autism. I respect everyone's right to their own opinion but clinging to things that are scientifically disproven doesn't help anyone. What we know for sure is that kids are dying do to the lack of vaccinations. I have 3 Autistic kids and that is VERY RARE. I firmly believe in vaccinating and I know that vaccines played NO ROLL in my kids developing Autism. I feel good knowing I'm not putting my kids or YOUR kids at risk by withholding vaccines due to misinformed mass hysteria.


Sick, sick and more sick

Everyone in the house is still sick.  The kids have been home all week.  This is sticking around for quite a while.  Hope this weekmend brings with it better health. Posted to Wordpress via my Epic 4G


Car search update

Well I spent a few hours at a dealership tonight with my Dad.  We found a 2002 Grand Caravan fully loaded with only 80, 000 miles.  The only problem is the payment of $400+\- per month.  There is no conceivable way I could swing that.  We are dealing with rough credit due to medical expenses ect.. That certainly works against us but at least they are willing to finance us.  I had to walk away because I just couldn't pull that off right now.  Thy are calling me on Monday with some different options. We'll have to see. Posted to Wordpress via my Epic 4G

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Another one bites the dust

My last hope for a new van just fell through. I have a call into a dealership about 20 minutes away. They said they have guaranteed financing. My Dad and I are going up after Lizze gets back from the doctors with Emmett John. I have to get this figured out. The main problem seems to be that I'm self-employed. I have been a small business owner for almost 10 years I would think that would say something but I guess it doesn't. Please say a prayer that something positive comes out of this trip. Thanks