Please say a prayer that I can figure this out

So we decided to go visit my Grandmother in Y-Town that we simply don't see enough of. After a brief visit do in part to the time and status of the kids we made our way home. We make it into Alliance and the transmission seized up.  Next thing we know the car no longer moves and every ounce of transmission fluid is in the street. The kids are freaking out.   I had to call the police to come sit behind us until the tow truck came. Lizze counted over 100 cars that passed us by without offering to help us at least get out of the middle of the busy road. We did however, get cussed out a few times. Long story short the transmission is shot and needs to…


Fit for Autism

So as an update to the Fit for Autism challenge we are back at it. The whole house has been sick for the last 2 weeks but no doing better. Lizze, Emmett John, Gavin and I walked the track. Elliott Richard had school this morning and Gavin had off. Lizze and Mr. Emmett John walked 1.5 miles before he got distracted by the playground. Gavin and I walked 3 miles this morning. Remember every little bit helps. If you are interrested in joing the Fit for Autism team chck out the Fit for Autism tab at the top of this page.  We would love to have you. So far everyone has contributed almost 300 miles total. Amazing. Posted from WordPress for Android via Epic 4G


Help a special needs classroom

As you may be aware we are parents to 3 special needs kids. The most challanging being Gavin. He wasnt doing well in the public school system at all. Summit Acadmey has changed his life for the better. They are a local charter school for special needs kids having ADHD to Autism and more. The are very accessible to even lower income families (like mine). The problem with being a charter school is funding. As tution is VERY low per year teachers pay for everything out of pocket unless the Parent Teacher Org can help out. Lizze is in charge of the PTO and so we are trying some new things to help the amazing teachers out. We are looking to get the individual classrooms "adopted" by individuals or businesses.…


Gavin Update

Gavin has been doing well. However, Gavin is once again manic. We need to have bloodwork done to check his levels and see where he is. He is also demenstrating loss of motor control again as well. He cannot stand still or be still. His arms and hands and legs are everywhere. He is talking more now then he ever has and it's about nothing. He is talking because he cannot stop himself. Hopefully we get the bloodwork back today and things can be adjusted for the weekend. Posted from WordPress for Android via Epic 4G


God help us

Emmett John moved the couch (by himself) all the way over to the door. Then climbed up and unlocked the front door to try to let himself out... What the heck an I supposed to do with that? Posted from WordPress for Android via Epic 4G


Autism and Sensory Needs

I don't know what's more exhausting, Autism or the subsequent sensory needs.  Emmett John no longer says most of the words ghetto learned a few months back. He 's back to noises.  So communication is back to sign language ect.  The biggest issue with raising Emmett John is his extreme sensory needs.  He needs constant sensory stimulation.  He is always jumping off of things regardless of the height. He has no fear and only one setting,  ON.  We are literally constantly chasing after him to ensure his safety.  It 's physically draining and emotionally exhausting.  What are some of the difficulties facing you? Do your Artistic or other special needs child has major sensory issue how do you cope ? Posted to Wordpress via my Epic 4G

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How far would you go

Would you be willing to literally gut your house in order to make it safer for you Artistic child? That's what we are having to do.  Emmett John is so extremely active with such major sensory issues that I really believe getting rid of most things (like furniture ect ) is the only way to keep him from hurting himself.  There is no way to keep him from doing what he does to physically ground himself.  If it 's there he WILL climb and jump off of it. How far have you gone for your Artistic child? I would love to hear your story...... Posted to Wordpress via my Epic 4G


My little Fit for Autism mascot

Emmett John is one of my primary motivations for Fit for Autism.  If spent just s few minutes with him you would know why.  He likes to move his little trampoline behind the couch then he climbs to the top of the couch and jumps off onto his trampoline so he can launch himself into the air.  I said he likes it I do all I can to stop him before he does it.I don't think I will survive him.  He is literally going to give me a heart attack.  Posted to Wordpress via my Epic 4G

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