Learned Behaviors

Elliott Richard has picked up way to many of Gavins behaviors. It's very hard to determine wether these are Elliott issues or learned behaviors. Gavin has VERY FEW "normal" behaviors and so Elliott and Emmett use that as their frame of reference. Gavin is not a role model or a good example. I know that sounds bad but it's simply the truth. Gavin struggles in most every aspect of his life. It's certainly not his fault but it does effect everyone... Posted from WordPress for Android


Autism and sickness

Both the kids are still sick and will need to fo to the doctor this morning. For those unaware Autism and even the common cold are a nightmare combination. When my kids are sick they are in sensory hell. The congestion, runny nose, coughing and fever drive them insane. That tends to be a factor in whether or not we send then to school. Being sick is hard on any kids but especially kids with Autism and sensory issues. They are all due for their flu shots soon. The flu shots really help to limit this during the winter and they have the nasal mist for the kids. Posted from WordPress for Android


Personal update

Since I started the Fit 4 Autism program I have moved to about 5 miles a day (sometimes more and sometimes less). I have contributed over 60 miles so far. I am also pain free for the first time in 10 years. I'm also dropping weight as well. I am very proud of myself for sticking with this program. Majority of my family is also running and or walking to. You wouldn't believe how something as simple as walking can change your life. Posted from WordPress for Android


Van update

So I was able to secure a loan to get the car fixed. The transmission is being replaced as well as some deep engine work getting done. I got a call today and the part on the frame that supports the engine and transmission is rusted through and cracked. Also there is a broken tie rod as well. That is above and beyond the loan amount I was able to secure. I'll have to fix this now because otherwise we will have to pull the engine and transmission to fix it later. I'll try to figure that out and I think it will work out.   Posted from WordPress for Android


Gavin Crisis Update

We are still waiting to hear back from Dr. R as to what we are supposed to do to help Gavin. Both kids were home sick today from school and Gavin really seems to be getting more frustrated with himself. We need to find him some relief. His bipolar is disorder is not being managed by the Lithium right now. We are running out of treatment options. We need to figure out if there is a neurological issue or if this is related to mania. I truly pray that this isn't a permanent problem for him. Please keep him in your prayers. It's really hard to know he is hearing and seeing things that aren't there. Posted from WordPress for Android


Re-entering Crisis mode with Gavin

Gavin has lost control over his body again. He was doing really well and still is behaviorally. The problems lies in the fact that he is losing control over his body and hearing voices. He is once again having conversations with Sonic the Hedgehog. He keeps hearing other voices that he doesn't talk about but we know they are there because he is constantly asking us if we were just talking to him. Behaviorally he is doing well. Very few if any meltdowns. The thought of sending him back to the Hospital is heartbreaking because of that. It would be easier if it were a safety issue or he was violent again. I think he would probably go back to the Cleveland Clinic. He would probably go to the Peds…


More bad news

Lizze went to the doctors this morning. They think that she is going through menopause. My limited male understanding just knows that is not good. The really bad part is that they said if she is they will not be able to treat it do to her history of bloodclots. I need to educate myself a bit more on this to get a better understanding.  I know this is weighing pretty heavy on her right now. Along with this come increased risks of cancer is various forms and osteoperosous. The fibro makes everything even more complicated. We are going to have to figure something out in preparation.  Please keep her in your prayers. She only just turned 30 and has more then her share to deal with. Posted from WordPress…

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