This makes me think of Gavin

[youtube][/youtube] This song always makes me think of Gavin. I heard it tonight and I think this is the best way to describe what he is going through (at least with the voices).


Gavin Crisis Update 10/9/10: 8pm

We just got home from Akron Children's Hospital. Gavin has been admitted and will most likely be there for 10 days. We were told we did the right thing because he is in bad shape. Gavin did pretty well but they were concerned about his breathing. Gavin was given a breathing treatment. They used a nebulizer that was in the shape of a dragon to be less scary for the kids. We put the mask on a Gavin started freaking out. We had to (rather I had to) hold the mask on so his airways would open up.  After a few minutes the treatment was done and we walked into the hall way. Gavin just started to lose it. We were trying to calm him down and figure out what…


Gavin crisis update: 10/9/2010

Gavin has started baring his teeth. That is another not so good sign. He doesn't realize he's doing it but he is baring his teeth almost all the time now. It's honestly a little creepy but it also looks uncomfortable for him. I really hoping his appointment gets here quick. I fear Akron childrens is in our immediate future. Posted from WordPress for Android

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Today is finally over..,

Today has been one of the longest days ever. Our van is finally fixed. A huge thanks to my parents for letting use their car for the past few weeks. I think the kids are either getting better or maybe worse. The coughing is becoming more productive but the crap they couch up is green. That's not a good thing but it is good that they are coughing it up now. Lizze met with her neurologist today they are adjusting her mess around to hopefully reduce the migrains. She is also going to be going to physical therapy 3 times a week now. They are hoping that will also help with the migrains. It's helped in the past so maybe it will help now. I got a new member to…


Why can’t I…..

Why can't I have more patients? I have become so overwhelmed with everything that I feel I'm going to shatter. I have been grieving the loss of Gavin for 6+ years now and watching him continue to regress and struggle is killing me. Gavin began regressing at about age 3 or 4. I can't remember it happening. I just remember him going to sleep and then never waking up. The Gavin that woke up was different and distant.  I'm short with him anymore. He's manic and psychotic right now. He NEVER stops talking and doesn't listen. He keeps doing things that hurt his brothers physically or emotionally. They are learning from him and are developing his mannerisms. They now hit themselves when they get angry. They imitate him all the time.  It's…

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Gavin is crossing the line

Gavin was playing with Elliott and for whatever reason he decided to touch Elliott's butt. Elliott was very upset by this. Gavin freaked out and had a meltdown when confronted. I don't think it was a sexual thing but more a poor choice of places to touch him to get his attention. Regardless of his intentions he has to understand that it's not ok to do that. How do you get someone to understand something that complex when they can't understand the most basic things in life. Posted from WordPress for Android