Thank You
I want to say a very humble Thank You to our friend out in Berleley CA. Thank you.. I'm at a loss for words... Thank you and Merry Christmas Lost and Tired
I want to say a very humble Thank You to our friend out in Berleley CA. Thank you.. I'm at a loss for words... Thank you and Merry Christmas Lost and Tired
It's been less then a year and I just got my 21,000th hit tonight. WOW... That's pretty good for a first time blogger I think. I am really proud of this blog and very grateful to all of you for your support. I hope this coming year brings continued success to the Lost and Tired blog and the Autism community. Keep sharing your stories. Thanks again and please keep spreading Autism Awareness........ Love you all, Lost and Tired
I went to the grocery store today before the snow hit just in case we got snowed in. I haven't been this overwhelmed in a while. This is the first time I was trying to find things Emmett could eat. I walked aimlessly up and down the aisles without a clue. We have been reading for days but still have no idea what to do. I found a few small things he could eat for now and will try to go back Monday armed with better intel. Things are already getting bad cause Emmett won't deal with the other kids eating something he can't. I have been feeding everyone at different times and/or places so nothing is thrown in his face so to speak. Not an easy task. Gavin has…
So Emmett was switched to soy milk today. The problem we have now is that he broke out with a rash on his face and had tummy troubles throughout the day. I'm confused as to why soy didn't show up on the tests. I have no idea what we are supposed to do and we don't see the doctor till next week. What really sucks is that I just went grocery shopping like a day before hearing about the test results. Lizze and I have been trying to figure out how to shop for food now. Milk and egg are in almost everything. I am completely overwhelmed with everything and have no idea how to cope with this stress. Posted from WordPress for Android
Gavin is escalating in the self-injury department. He had a really bad meltdown this afternoon and hit himself in the head over and over again. He also bit his own leg almost to the point of it bleeding. I told him that if this continues we will have no choice but to send him back to Akron. We have far to much going on to play games with whether or not he's doing this for attention. We will just assume that he has no control and get him help for the behavior. We have little choice as Elliott and Emmett both have picked up on the behavior. They both hit themselves when they get upset. We cannot allow this to continue. So we have drawn the line in the sand. If the behavior continues…
Here is the closest ting we will have to family picture for awhile......we needed something to send to school...It took a total of 15 tries before we got this one........
So Lizze is is out with her sister. Elliott was still awake when she left. He was having a hard time sleeping. I had given him a little snack and filled his water bottle and got him back upstairs. I put on Cloudy with a chance of meatballs and was tucking him in. He was all relaxed and closing his eyes. I leaned over to give him a kiss and next thing I know his entire bed frame collapses and mattress crashes to the floor. Guess who's not sleeping now, that's right, Elliott. It gets better I'm trying to clean up all the little splinters of his bed frame off the floor while reassuring Elliott everything is ok when Emmett starts screaming. I'm bouncing back and forth between 2 kids…
i am so overwhelmed right now I feel like I'm going to vomit. I just feel like I am coming apart at the seams and barely holding it together. Today has not been a good day at all. Bad news after bad news just keeps coming our way. I just can't take it anymore. I want to scream and run away. So we heard from one of Emmett's doctors today. We know now that Emmett has severe type 2 allergy to milk. I guess they said the milk binds to his cell membranes or something that's not a good thing. He also has a type 1 allergy to egg as well. Basically he has to go on a vegan diet except he can eat meat. Milk and egg is in…