We have 2/3 less children tonight

We have 2/3 less children tonight. Gavin and Elliott are getting a break from Emmett and crashing over at Lizze's parents house. Emmett is sleeping and Lizze is sick. We can't watch any of the specials cause we haven't had TV in almost a year. This is the first time I can remember not watching the ball drop. It's really quiet and at least we have that right now :) I hope you all have a safe and Happy New Year... Please continue to spread Autism Awareness. Please continue to share your story and let no one suffer in silence.... Thanks for making the 1st year of Lost and Tired so successful...... Rob


The mothers of Autistic kids experience same stress as combat soldiers…..

There was a study published last year (November 2009) and appears online in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders that basically says mothers (I would presume stay at home fathers would be included) of Autistic children experience stress levels like that of combat soldiers. That really puts things into perspective. I hope people read this an have a much better understanding of what our families go through. Below is the an article I found at "The Disability Scoop" by MICHELLE DIAMENT. Here is the article: Mothers of adolescents and adults with autism experience chronic stress comparable to combat soldiers and struggle with frequent fatigue and work interruptions, new research finds. These moms also spend significantly more time caregiving than moms of those without disabilities. Researchers followed a group of moms of adolescents…



I have been trying to put together a make shift crash room. I'm really frustrated because I can't seem to get anywhere. We have a trampoline, a basket ball hoop, a play house, a sit and spin, a giant exercise ball and that's about it.  Really the only 2 things that will work is the trampoline and the exercise ball. Maybe the sit and spin. What I really need to try to do is get some type of indoor jungle gym. Something they can physically do to burn off energy.  I want to get foam blocks and attach them to the wall so Emmett can run into it safely.. RIght now Emmett runs into the walls and windows to get whatever sensory (impact type) fix he needs. He also jumps down the…


Patience….where for art thou?

I just don't have much patiences any more. Especially with Gavin. He manages to push my buttons. As much as I try and I do try I end up letting him get to me. I need to find a drive through or something that allows me to do get some more patience. Maybe a gas station that I can refuel. If only...


Gavin is driving me nuts….

...and before you say it, I know it's a short trip. :-) He has actually behaved pretty well today meltdown wise anyway.. The problem I have is his general behavior. He is having a more and more difficult time followng even the simplist of directions. We typically give him one step tasks to do. His memory seems to be fading, again. Sometimes, well actually most of the time is feels like we are getting played. He is also becoming creepy again. He lingers and likes to stand in the doorway and just watch his brohers. He doesn't really do anything wrong per say but we have told him to stop and he won't. The whole thing just rubs me the wrong way. It's just creepy. I know how that sounds…


In response to the many requests…..

First of all, please let me apologizes for not responding to this sooner. My sole purpose for starting this blog was to very candidly share the struggles my family faces raising 3 kids on the spectrum with my wife being sick as well. You already know these are n fluff pieces and are often difficult to read. They are however the truth. So many familys struggle in silence and become isolated from family and friends. I want our story to help people to realize THEY ARE NOT ALONE. I have received literally hundreds of comments and emails over the past year from all across the world. People are sharing their story with me personally or with everyone via the Lost and Tired blog. It is so important for people to share their story. The world cannot become aware…


AAHHGGGG!!!!! You have got to be kidding me……

So we got back a little while ago...This was a really tough day. Emmett basically was held down to a table on his stomach and given 16 shots at the same time into his back. It was horrible to have to hold him like that. We had to hold him there for 20 minutes and I hated every minute of it. However, I only wanted to do this to him once so we had to make it work the first time.  Fast forward 20 minutes and we get the results. The results of the scratch show that he isn't allergic to anything.....  WTF (pardon my online French), seriously, how is that even possible? The blood work shows he is is allergic to milk,egg and lactose. The scratch tests show he…


It’s going to be a long day….

I was up very late (3am) with Elliott again. He wasn't feeling very well. This morning no one is feeling well. We thought about rescheduling Emmett's appointment today but we really need to know this information we will gain today..... He kids on the spectrum are sick, it a vastly different experience then when "typical" kids are sick. It's pretty much constant sensory overload until they feel better. Right now they are just all stuffed up but that's enough to cause them great distress.  I have lost track of the days. I think it's Tuesday though. I can't wait to be done with Akron today. I need to go shopping this week and the more information bout Emmett allergies we have the easier that is. Please have a good day…