Lizze sees the neurologist in the morning

Lizze sees the neurologist in the morning. Hopefully they can fgure something out to help her not have suffer every day. I'd be happy if they can just make a dent in the pain. Please say a prayer it goes well. She has more then her fair share of challenges and it would be great if she could catch a break. 


The long night begins…again

I was 9pm and Elliott had already woken up and didn't want to be alone. He is really struggling with being alone. He climbed down the stairs and up onto the couch to snuggle with us. As he was climbing up onto the couch Lizze reached out her arms for him and he jumped away saying "it's my shirt". Then he avoided her and climbed up next to me. She was trying to give him a hug. He was clearly still half asleep. This nightmare must have really been a weird one... I got Elliott in bed after the movie and no sooner did I come down the steps then Emmett started screaming. So Lizze just took that as the end of the night call. I'm waiting for close to…


Elliott’s little friend……

For my new readers this is Toothless, Elliott's bearded dragon. It was about 4 inches when we got him now he's almost almost 16 inches long. Elliott and I raised him from a baby. I thought it might be a cool thing for us to do together....


Gavin diagnosis update

One thing I neglected to mention earlier was that Gavin's diagnosis has changed. Lizze noticed that on Gavin's chart (type thing) that his diagnose is now listed as schizo-effective disorder instead of bipolar. This actually makes much more sense then a diagnosis of bipolar disorder. However, it is closer to a diagnosis of schizophrenia. This isn't a good things by any means, however, at least we have a better idea of what's going on with him....


Funny Emmett stuff

So Emmett has picked up 3 signs so far. He says "more", "please" and "thanks you". So we found something he will eat and that's kosher hotdogs. Not that its a great thing to eat but he's losing weight so it's something. Anyway, Emmett ate his 2 hotdogs and came over to Lizze and signed "more". Lizze asked him what he wanted more of. He responed "more","more" and that's it. Finally he got frustrated and pulled the half chewed up hotdog out of his mouth, stuck it in her face and signed "more". Wow. Just, wow.

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Emmett’s first day…….

Emmett had his first day of "pre-school". He seemed to really like it. I personally have mixed feelings as one of the staff ladies rubbed me the wrong way. However, if they can help him I'll get over it. We are still going to persure better options but until then we feel better knowing he is getting help....