Autism and bridging the communication gap…

The most difficult part of having a non-verbal (or pre-verbal) child on the spectrum is finding a way to communicate. People take communication for granted. Imagine if you were hungry or scared and you couldn't ask for help. That is what Emmett experiences all day every day. We have been working on sign language and it's starting to take. Emmett will ask for "more, please" without being reminded most of the time.. On occasion he will say "Thank You" as well. It took many months for him to learn these basic signs. While it's progress there is still a HUGE gap in communication we have to bridge. So here is what I am doing to help fix this (aside for all the professional interventions and therapies). I went to Sprint…


30 secs in my world……

Here is what many families with Autistic children hear very often. In my case, this is what wakes me up at 5am every morning. I can only guess at what causes this but it goes on for an hour or more sometimes. When he is like this he is inconsolable. I have no idea how to help him when he is like this. He typically will not tolerate being touched at this point. I would think this is a result of over-stimulation or maybe anxiety. Hell, it could be both or none of them..... I know for sure that it breaks my heart and stresses me out.... Many people just have no idea what this is like. No mater how much you love your child a person can only take…


I’m soooooo tired…..

So I got up this morning at 5am to a screaming Emmett. I got him back to sleep for about 10 minutes till I got sick (stress), Then I cried for a bit cause I missed my wife and I was completely overwhelmed. I took the kids over to my parents house and did some running around. I had to go to Sprint (more on that later) and Best Buy. Then to the post office and then to fill the 5 gallon water jugs. I got back to my parents in about 2 hours. Then we came home and I now have to get dinner ready. I spoke to Lizze today, she sounds relaxed (which is good). Here plan is to come back home on Thursday. That will kinda give…


Rough start……

Emmett woke up at about 5am and just screamed and screamed. I filled his sippy and that didn't help. He screamed until about 6:30 am at which point he just stopped. Elliott got up about 7:15am and Gavin is still sleeping at this time. I'm not feeling good. My stomach is upset and I just feel miserable. I am so tired, it's been a few days since I have had any real rest. Honestly, I don't remember the last time I slept through the night. It's probably been a few years. I have to go to the post office today to mail a battery to the guy that bought my phone on ebay. The one I sent him didn't work (must have shorted out). I tried to do that yesterday…


My To Do List….

Tomorrow will be the first day with out Lizze here. Nothing is going to slow down just cause I'm alone. To Do: Laundry Post Office Dishes Sprint I can't keep my eyes open..... Night Posted from WordPress for Android

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Dear God…..

Please help me get my family together. Please help Lizze to get better. Help me to become stronger then I am so I can be a good parent to my kids. Help me to survive...... Posted from WordPress for Android


My inner thoughts…

I have been sitting here trying to distract myself from the idea of going to bed and not having Lizze there next to me. Last night I suggested to Lizze that maybe this would be good for her. I wan't trying to push her out but I need her to get better. And to be completely honest what she is experiencing is very destabilizing and very, very fine balance we have been trying to maintain. I don't think it was good or even healthy for any of us to continue down that road. This isn't going to be easy but I don't see any other option. Lizze was not going to survive if she continued to be subjected to the extreme levels of stress. I honestly don't know how she…