Crash Room In Photos

Here are some of the pieces and parts of our make shift crash room. This is the beginning (messy) stage where we are putting everything together and figuring out where it will go. Now we need to work on te calming aspects of the crash room. Posted Via WordPress Android. Powered by Epic 4G & MIDNIGHT ROM


We are a go for surgery….

We got the call about an hour ago. The surgery is scheduled for Feb 9th @ 9am. Lizze will have to do the paperwork and blood work again but she has only 10 days left until she will finally receive relief "that" daily pain. While everyone is on board with this, insurance is not. So I will have to sign my life way in order to get this done. They are cutting us a break (pardon the pun) at Aultman. However, the cost is still probably going to be $10,000 - $12,000. I know they charge around $10,000 for the surgery and recovery. Aultman is knocking 30% off of their charges. Then the Anesthesiologist and surgeon are on top of that. Long story short we are looking at $150-$200/ month.…


Cleveland: Here we come….

Lizze just got off the phone with Case Western. This is where he needs to go for weekly therapy. Akron Children's Hospital HIGHLY recommends this program. If Emmett would benefit from this then we will have to figure out a way to make it work. It takes us about 1 hr and 2- minutes to get there. I don't know how this is going to happen especially with the van. How do you put a price on your child's future? When the doctors tell you "he needs this" how do you say anything other then yes, absolutely yes? I will do ANYTHING to secure him a brighter future. That said, I have to be able to manage the logistics of everything. That's where I hit the road blocks. I need to get the van…


It’s been a rough past few days…..

I haven't posted in a few days... The past couple of days have been pretty hard for me. Emmett is REALLY getting frustrating. I love him completely but my God he is going to push me over the edge... We just can't seem to figure him out. He is becoming increasingly more violent to both Lizze and Elliott. Gavin gets it as well. I'm the only one he doesn't actively seem to target. I wish I knew how to deal with these behaviors. He is developmentally about 11 or 12 months old. How do you discipline a child that age, let alone one who has very little ability to communicate. I wish I had more energy to deal with these things a bit more aggressively but I don't. I live…


Crash Room Progress…..

Tax return came in last night and so II was able to start setting up our crash room. We don't have much (thanks to the money pit that is our "new" van) but we got a 6x6 bouncy house. We also got a ball pit. We already had a trampoline and a tunnel. This will hopefully help Emmett to decompress.  It gives him a safe place to do the things that he needs to do in order to "ground" himself. I will also help to build the under-developed muscles in his legs. I'll get pictures up later...... Has anyone set up a crash room in their home before? Do you have any suggestions? I would love to hear them..