A demoralizing kind of day……

Today has been very trying. Gavin is driving me completely batty. I can't take a whole lot more of him. He literally has the memory of a gold fish. Maybe that's mean to say but it's the best way to describe it. A gold fish only remembers the last few seconds. So each time it swims to the other side of the bowl it's a new experience. However, with Gavin it seems to be selective. He can remember "important" things like legos and star wars but not the basic rules that have been in place for a very long time. I find myself constantly repeating myself to him. I also have the serenity prayer embedded in my brain because I say it constantly. Emmett is just more the a handfull.…


The self injury continues

Gavin (even back on the anti-psychotics) continues to self injure. He slammed his wrist onto something last night while he was angry. I didn't notice this till today. He's pretty lucky he didn't go any deeper. Posted Via WordPress Android. Powered by Epic 4G & MIDNIGHT ROM


Death of a bouncy house

I regret to inform you that as of 12am this morning the bouncy house is no longer with us. I was running around last night charging batteries and gathering blankets when I noticed. She just didn't look the same. Even from a distance I knew something was wrong. She was all slumped over in the corner. My instincts kicked in and tried to resuscitate her with mouth to mouth. Despite my best efforts it wasn't enough. I quickly moved to the already charged (so as not to awaken the kids) air compressor because I knew time was of the essence. She responded and  thought we were in the clear but then I heard the sound no one wants to ever hear coming from a bouncy house, whoosh. It was a fruitless effort. Sure…


Ice Storm 2011 Update

We have now taken physical damage. A large branch fell and ripped the power supply line right out of the side of our house. It trashed the siding and is now just hanging in our front yard. We haven't lost power yet but now I have downed lines right across our front walk. Very dangerous... Posted Via WordPress Android. Powered by Epic 4G & MIDNIGHT ROM


Ice Storm 2011 Hits the Lost and Tired Family

We are4 getting pummeled by a MASSIVE ice storm. I have never seen one this bad.  Lizze and I stepped outside a few minutes ago and in the 5 minutes we were standing out there we witnessed trees literally falling apart and crashing to the ground. We keep hearing things that sound like cannons going off. There are trees (big ones) just falling to pieces. It's actually getting scary because people are losing power and they are saying to expect sustained outages. We have at least an inch of ice on everything. It's become EXTREMELY dangerous. My fear is losing power and heat. The kids won't be able to handle that well. As I'm writing this the power is beginning to flicker. I'm going to finish this from my phone later and…

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We have 1 week till Lizze has major surgery. This would require major preparations for any family. However, when you are a special needs family those preparations are significantly more complicated. For the Lost and Tired family that requires multiple locations for the kids to go. We typically breaks the kids up and send 2 to one place and the 3rd to somewhere else. Everything depends greatly on Gavin's current demeanor. Sometimes we need him to go by himself and other time he can go along with Elliott. Emmett is the most difficult right now. He requires CONSTANT attention and I mean CONSTANT. He is all over the place and very often times gets hurt. He is also very aggressive and physically lashes out. We have to make sure whoever…


Crash Room In Photos

Here are some of the pieces and parts of our make shift crash room. This is the beginning (messy) stage where we are putting everything together and figuring out where it will go. Now we need to work on te calming aspects of the crash room. Posted Via WordPress Android. Powered by Epic 4G & MIDNIGHT ROM


We are a go for surgery….

We got the call about an hour ago. The surgery is scheduled for Feb 9th @ 9am. Lizze will have to do the paperwork and blood work again but she has only 10 days left until she will finally receive relief "that" daily pain. While everyone is on board with this, insurance is not. So I will have to sign my life way in order to get this done. They are cutting us a break (pardon the pun) at Aultman. However, the cost is still probably going to be $10,000 - $12,000. I know they charge around $10,000 for the surgery and recovery. Aultman is knocking 30% off of their charges. Then the Anesthesiologist and surgeon are on top of that. Long story short we are looking at $150-$200/ month.…