Snow Day….Here we come…Again

Just got the weather alert that we may see up to 12 inches of snow between Thursday and Friday... This week keeps getting better and better.. Oh and my roof is leaking again. It usually only leaks with standing snow but aparently the leak has evolved into an equal opportunity kind of problem..

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Creative Comfort…

When you have an Autistic child life is challenging. When your Autistic child is sick life is EVEN MORE challenging. Sensory issues go through the roof as their already overly sensitive bodies are experiencing stuffy noses, soar throats and other aches and pains. As a parent, you want to comfort them as much as possibl e that can be a daunting task. So you sometimes just have to be creative to provide comfort. Emmett just struggled and screamed ALL day long. All he wanted to do was open the fridge and sit and stare at the light. We couldn't do that for obvious reasons. So I set up a lantern and set it under the table with some blankets and pillows. Lizze donated her Netbook and we set up pokemon…


Autism Awareness in unusual places….

None of you will probably ever run into my family in the real world but the knowledge you gain from knowing my story can help others. Perhaps, your out somewhere and you see a child throwing a fit. Maybe instead of assuming the kid is just a spoiled brat (as many people assume) you can withhold judgement because maybe there's more going on then meets the eye. I can tell you from experience that those situations are very challenging and a kind word or an understanding smile can make all the difference in the world.


Gavin is feeling better…

Thank God Gavin is feeling better. I think he just ate something (actually food) that didn't agree with him. Often times with Gavin this can go on for days because he thinks he needs to throw he makes himself do it..over and over... Thankfully we have seeminly worked through some of least this time around. Emmett however, is a different story. His fever is back today and about 103.5F. We have to watch him pretty close for the next few days... Long week turns into a long weekend...



I had about 2 hours of sleep (if you actually call that sleep). Emmett slept with us cause he is sick. I don't sleep well when one of the kids climbs into our bed because there just isn't enough room. Gavin is acting like nothing ever happened. Did he just have a 12 hr bug or was it something he ate. Then the question become, what did he eat? That is the million dollar question. Whatever it was, it seems to have passed...for now. Lizze is snuggling with Emmett on the couch and I'm going to try and close my eyes for a bit and get rid of my headache.


No sleep in my future….

I went to bed after updating all my threads and answering as many questions as I could. I get upstairs to find Emmett just sitting up in bed in a daze. I go to tuck him back in and I realize he's burning up. Took his temp and he was approaching 104F.. That's not good. So we got some meds on board and then got him in the tub to try and break the fever. He played for a bit and now laying down again. Hopefully he will be able to go to sleep. I'm soooooo tired.

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And the other shoe falls…again

Tonight just keeps getting worse. Gavin has now puked ALL OVER the floor in his room. He is definatly NOT feeling good. The problem with Gavin and vomitting (besides the obvious) is that we never know why? Because of his just never know if it was caused by eating something he shouldn't have. That's just one more thing about being a special needs parent that most people wouldn't know about. On a disturbing side note, I want to give a shout out to Maggie, THANKS for the clean up. Emmett is currently sick as well. Case Western is officially canceled for tomorrow along with Gavin's chances of going to school. I was looking forward to a nice (semi-relaxing) quiet night. Now it will be filled with Vicks VapoRub under…

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The agenda…

This is a busy week. We have many appointments to be at. Case Western University is coming in the morning to interview us and administer another ADOS for Emmett. We are taking part in a study on Autism and a new intervention technique that holds much promise. This was all supposed to happen a while ago but with Lizze's surgery and the boys...well everything, its been one conflict after another. We meet at 10am tomorrow. They are coming out to our house, which saves us a drive to Cleveland. Lizze also has to meet with Dr. D for the follow up from surgery this week as well. Not quite sure how that's going to go. We did get the van back today and it appears to actually be working right....…