Losing my mind..well…what’s left of it.

Gavin is driving me absolutely out of my mind. He is regressing and has no memory anymore. He gets back into the doctors on Wednesday. Wednesday feels like a really long time to wait. He doesn't listen and then claims he "doesn't remember". I don't know what to believe because he a VERY LONG history of manipulation. However, he does clearily appear to be regressing....so...I just don't know. Lizze took Emmett to the doctors a few minutes ago. Elliott came down a few minutes ago and asked me to hook up his Leapster to the TV in his room. I told him I would but he needs to make sure that his room is clean first. I told him that "I would then com up and set it up for…


Down for the count….

I'm down for the count. I've been knocked out by the flu. I've been sick a handful of times in the last decade. I have some type of freakishly strong immune system. However, when I do get sick...I GET SICK. Tyically, I end up in the hospital in pretty bad shape. I've had at least 1 REALLY close call and I almost didn't make it. For those in the "know", it took 6 liter of saline to bring my BP up over 100 systolic.  That's A LOT of fluids. It always makes me really nervous when I start to not feel well because it can go very badly. My biggest fear was that I was going to get sick while Lizze was trying to recover from surgery. She made it…


What to do?

What happens when special needs parents get sick? I've com down with the flu and Lizze has been fighting the same thing. Gavin and Elliott were at school and Emmett was home sick. Neither one of us were in any position to take care of ourselves let alone 3 special needs kids. Fortunately for us my mom was able to the boys up from school and hang out with them until bedtime. Usually we just have to push through being sick, which is really hard to do sometimes. What do you do when you are sick?


The calm before the storm.

The kids are ready for school and Emmett is still sick and ill miss school again. Lizze has her follow up appointment from surgery today and we'll find out how well she's recovering. I want to finish getting ready for tonights winter storm. I need to charge all the flashlights and get the water jugs filled. -lost and tired


Snow Day….Here we come…Again

Just got the weather alert that we may see up to 12 inches of snow between Thursday and Friday... This week keeps getting better and better.. Oh and my roof is leaking again. It usually only leaks with standing snow but aparently the leak has evolved into an equal opportunity kind of problem..

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Creative Comfort…

When you have an Autistic child life is challenging. When your Autistic child is sick life is EVEN MORE challenging. Sensory issues go through the roof as their already overly sensitive bodies are experiencing stuffy noses, soar throats and other aches and pains. As a parent, you want to comfort them as much as possibl e that can be a daunting task. So you sometimes just have to be creative to provide comfort. Emmett just struggled and screamed ALL day long. All he wanted to do was open the fridge and sit and stare at the light. We couldn't do that for obvious reasons. So I set up a lantern and set it under the table with some blankets and pillows. Lizze donated her Netbook and we set up pokemon…