Lost and Tired named a top 25 Autism blog

babble.com and Autism Speaks has selected me as a top 25 Autism Spectrum blog. What an honor....wow. I don't really know what to say besides "Thank You". To be completely honest, I NEVER expected anything like this. I've only been blogging for a bit over a year. This is just awesome. Thank you babble.com for selecting me and everyone for reading and sharing in my family's journey. This will really help to spread Autism Awareness. I can't thank you enough for this great honor. Thank You....   :)     Lost and Tired placed in the following categories: 18th for "Autism Spectrum blogs" 5th for "Best from a dad's perspective"


Autism and it’s complexities..

Autism complicates everything for my family. Gavin is by far the complex child we have. By complex I mean he has the most difficult issues to deal with. Here's the latest example. Gavin has a history of chest pain. We've had him checked out many times and everything is always ok. The reason for the concern is that on his biological father's side of the family there is a history of spontaneous aortic ruptures or tears. Gavin's biological aunt died recently during child birth and she was barely 30 years old. Gavin's biological has heart related issues as well. We only have bits and pieces of information because they no longer have contact with us and even when they did they wouldnt tell us. So the concern is for good…


Pain Management

Emmett and I took Lizze to pain management yesterday. Lizze is in to much pain to drive much lately and we would rather not take any chances. She had a regular follow up and med check yesterday. She also talked to them about her leg pain and they said that it was "most likely" fibro related. The only thing we can do is Max her out on the Lyrica she takes to help manage the pain. That scares me for two reasons. The first is that if/when they do increase her meds she will be sleeping a lot more, at least until she adjusts (if she ever does). The second thing that scares me is the thought of Lyrica no longer working. As she reaches the max dose we will…


LONG night……Busy Monday

Gavin was hallucinating most of the night again. He real tired this morning so he's going to be fun today. Elliott was to hot last night. I was 80F yesterday and we can't open our windows for safety reasons. Emmett spiked fever last night as well. He was restless all night. Lizze is in so much pain that she can't sleep even though she exhausted. I have a busy week ahead of house work and laundry. I need to snake a few clogged drains and start looking for agencies to help with obtaining new window or portable air conditioners. I know of some but they are more for the elderly. Maybe we could be an exception ;) Have a great Monday and remember to help spread Autism Awareness. -lost and…


Special needs summer…..

As a special needs parent summer is one of the toughest times of the year. With sensory sensitive kids there's quiet a bit to worry about. For example, last summer Emmett wasn't as mobile as he is now. Because of his increased mobility we face new challenges this year. Emmett is a climber and a runner. Open windows present a HUGE safety issue. Last year we were ok to drop the top sash down exposing the screen to allow for air flow. We don't have nor can we afford air conditioning so window fans were how we survived last summer. We do have a old window air conditioner but it's seen better days and doesn't cool much of anything anymore and the noise it makes is deafening to the kids.…


ADHD is our new 4 letter word…..

We have come to accept and embrace Autism in our lives. Life is always difficult and there are days (many to be honest) where I wonder why God picked me for this job. Then there are the days where maybe Emmett learns a word or Gavin goes a whole day without a meltdown. Those are the good ones. We are now facing another challenge that I don't remember if I've spoken about before. It appears as though Elliott might be dealing with ADHD as well. He is ALL over the place. This started a some months ago. I had thought it was or maybe just hoped that it was anxiety. Man, I just don't know. The only thing that holds his attention (at least at home) is his DS. He…

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Autism and accountablilty….

Gavin has been struggling more and more lately. The other day we took the kids to the park. Gavin was out of control. He pushed Emmett out of the way while trying to get to the slide. Emmett hit his head on the metal bars as a result. I made him sit off to the side for a while.  I explained to him that he MUST pay attention to the people around him. I let him come back and play.  Not 5 minutes later Emmett is walking under the monkey bars. Gavin decides he going to swing across them but doesn't pay attention to the fact that Emmett is in the way and was standing there before Gavin decided to do this. Gavin swung his feet out and I had…


Autism and Motherhood

Being a mother is a sacred thing. Being a special needs mother is in a class all their own. No matter how much my wife is suffering just never gives up trying to help. Even is it's just the little things. She does what she can....even when it hurts. I shot this while I was playing COD Black Ops on the xbox360. That's what the gun fire is in the back ground. I looked over and saw Lizze sitting there with Emmett teaching him signs and colors. Today was a really bad day for her pain wise and so I was just amazed watching her work with him. I know it hurt for her to do this but she did it anyway. Lizze I love you. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvbbWdtZgRo[/youtube]