Facing new challenges ahead

Yesterday Lizze received her cane. It's difficult for Lizze to be physically reduced to needing assistance to walk. I won't speak for her as she will be sharing her own feeling soon enough. For me though, it's heartbreaking to watch her struggle with so much pain. I will be taking Lizze to the Cleveland Clinic to a  rheumatologist for a second opinion. Not really a second opinion more like a re-evaluation. The doctor that have diagnosed her with Fibromyalgia is a top 50 doctor in that field in the US so we're pretty confident with his diagnosis. The concern right now is that she is unresponsive to medications. It could VERY easily be the stress we are experiencing each day or she has the wrong diagnosis. We will be seeking…

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Read more about the article PLEASE lose the word “retard” from your vocabulary
Daddy and Emmett

PLEASE lose the word “retard” from your vocabulary

It's ironic that I spend my days trying to help my children NOT lose words from their vocabulary and here I am asking you to lose the word "retard" from yours. In 2011, why do I still hear people using the word "retard" to describe persons with special needs? I personally find it offensive, ignorant and it speaks to the character of the person using it. When the word "retard" is used to describe a person with special needs, it's degrading, dehumanizing and grossly inappropriate. One of the most painful experiences in my life is hearing people refer to my beautiful children as "retards". You wouldn't believe how often it actually happens. It literally takes EVERYTHING in me not respond or even go on the offensive. Those of you with…


I have a Sprint Epic 4G for sale…So I can fix our van

Here is the link to my ebay auction. The proceeds go to fixing our van (our only means of transportation) and hopefully covering at least one of Emmett's desperately needed speech therapy sessions. Insurance just reduced his appointments to less then 3 times a month. He was going once a week and NEEDS to go twice a week according to his doctors and specialists. Also 10% of this auction will be donated via ebay to the Northeast Ohio Autism Group. Here is the description as seen here at my auction page: The purpose of this auction is to raise money to help in the care of my 3 Autistic kids and chronically ill wife.  I'm "ptfdmedic" the developer of the very popular midNIGHT ROM for the Epic 4G. I created this ROM for the sole…


Elliott’s not so little friend

It's been a while since we checked in with Mr. Lizard, Elliott's bearded dragon. He was only 4 inches long when we first got him. Now he's about 16 inches long.. Mr. Lizard was a "relatively" successful attempt at teaching Elliott about responsibility. Kids on the spectrum learn by doing. So I try to include him in everyday tasks and encourage him to take responsibility for the things in his life. Elliott does quite well with this type of "Hands on" learning.   Posted using my Sprint Epic 4G on the fly and without the use of proper editing tools.  


Walking stick…

We are out picking Lizze's new cane up. Elliott was asking what we doing there. I explained we were getting something to help mommy walk. He asked why mommy needed help walking. I said her legs hurt and the cane helps her to keep from falling and makes it easier to walk. He looked at me perplexed and said, how does the cane help her walk? I thought about it a second and said it's like a walking stick Elliott (he knows what that is or so I thought). He looks at me like I'm an idiot an says, daddy, here's the thing. I understand how it helps mommy. I don't understand how the stick walks by itself?  - Lost and Tired Posted using my Epic 4G on the fly…


Waiting for Emmett

Yesterday Elliott went with me to take Emmett to school. For a little while we hung out in the "family room" so he could play. Emmett attends EastGate, a school for kids with developmental disabilities. He seems to be doing very well there. It's actually right next door to my old high school. - Lost and Tired Posted using my Epic 4G on the fly and without the use of proper editing tools.


Everyday Lessons: Helping hands

As special needs parents we need to take everyday opportunities and use them as a means with which to teach our Autistic kids. Everyday lessons can help our kids to be better prepared for life's everyday challenges. I try each day to teach my kids at least one thing each day. Maybe it's a new skill or just practicing a current skill. I try to include them in activities around the house in order to show the how things are done. Regardless of my approach, my kids benefit from our time spent together.....as do I. Yesterday I was cleaning up my computer. We use it for EVERYTHING and so it's important to properly maintain it. Our house is old and dusty so I regularly hookup the compressor and blow all…

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“Guy time”

Elliott was along for the ride today. He did really well so while we were waiting for Emmett I took him for ice cream cone. While we were there Elliott began playing the games McDonalds has. He was tearing it up on the memory game. It was a pleasant break to an otherwise difficult day. - Lost and Tired Posted using my Epic 4G on the fly and without the use of proper editing tools.