Emmett: Potty Training Progress

~Potty training a child with Autism can be a challenge~ Potty training and Autism don't always go well together. We REALLY struggled with Gavin but Elliott was pretty easy once he was "ready". Emmett is a challenge because communication is such a constant issue. Emmett is VERY big into routine so that works to our advantage.....at times. Right now Emmett will use the potty on his own. He just struggles a bit with timing of it. He even has his little routine. He will say "potty" and then take his diaper off where ever he is (he not bashful, so you imagine the rest) and runs to the bathroom. He lifts up the lid and literally climbs onto the toilet and sits there. He will ONLY pee in the potty. As…

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Autism: We’re all on the same side….right?

The great "Autism debate" rages on and divide or rift inside the community was the inevitable result. Aren't we all on the same side? Since watching the movie Loving Lamppost: Living Autistic I've been thinking. Why all the "infighting" ? Aren't we all on the same side? Don't we all want the same thing?  I realize that in any debate there has to be two sides and Autism is no exception. We have the “recovery movement” and the “ neurodiversity movement”. Proponents of the “recovery movement” believe Autism is caused by vaccines and/or other environmental toxins. This movement is considered to operateoutside the realm of mainstream science and medicine. There is little or no scientific evidence to support their theory of the origins of Autism. They believe that Autism can be cured…


Autism and self-injury: Where is the line?

Anyone that has followed this blog over the past year has heard me talk about Gavin's issues with self-injury. Gavin, when angry, frustrated or extremely anxious will self-injure. We have tried many, many ways of deterring this behavior. Nothing seems to work because he will eventually self-injure again. Autism is a disorder that lends itself to self-injurious behavior. We have learned to not react to him when he does it. However, the problem we are encountering it that his brothers are "modeling" or mimicking this behavior. We CANNOT allow this to happen. I'm very aware that Gavin is struggling right now in EVERY aspect of his young life. While he is struggling, we cannot excuse this behavior. Just because Gavin has Autism does not mean he gets a free pass. In fact…


Autism, Fibromyalgia and IMPOSSIBLE decisions..

`~Special needs parenting of children with Autism is a very challenging task. However, when one parent has major health issues those challenges exponentially increase. Sometimes these situations require choices to be made that are far from easy~   I've been pretty overwhelmed all week. Well, let's be honest, I'm overwhelmed pretty much ALL the time. Parenting 3 boys with Autism will have that affect. I have so many thoughts in my head that I want to get out but I can't seem to organize them enough to string two of them together coherently.  Friday was a really challenging day. The Lost and Tired family made some progress but also suffered some pretty major setbacks. Today isn't any better as Lizze can't physically get out of bed today. Friday was full of "to-do"s" for me…


Please vote for “Lost and Tired”….

Hey everyone I signed up my "Lost and Tired" blog on Picket Fence Blogs as an attempt to reach more people. The purpose of this blog is to spread Autism Awareness EVERYDAY by sharing my family's struggle with the world. I truly believe that by sharing our stories (collectively) we can help to make the world more Autism Aware one reader at a time. Please Vote for "Lost and Tired" at Picket Fences Blogs. :) To VOTE for "Lost and Tired" simply click the image below to vote. (Please note that you CAN VOTE each day)   VOTE "Lost and Tired"


I’m published at “The Thinking Person’s Guide To Autism”

My Broken Heart: The bare-handed man was published today on The Thinking Person's Guide To Autism. This is a great site full of very useful information and stories and I'm honored to share my story there. They do an AMAZING job of spreading Autism Awareness. Thank you TPGA, for seeing fit to help me share my story and spread Autism Awareness. Stop by and give them a read. Friend them on Facebook and follow them on Twitter......

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Facing new challenges ahead

Yesterday Lizze received her cane. It's difficult for Lizze to be physically reduced to needing assistance to walk. I won't speak for her as she will be sharing her own feeling soon enough. For me though, it's heartbreaking to watch her struggle with so much pain. I will be taking Lizze to the Cleveland Clinic to a  rheumatologist for a second opinion. Not really a second opinion more like a re-evaluation. The doctor that have diagnosed her with Fibromyalgia is a top 50 doctor in that field in the US so we're pretty confident with his diagnosis. The concern right now is that she is unresponsive to medications. It could VERY easily be the stress we are experiencing each day or she has the wrong diagnosis. We will be seeking…

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Read more about the article PLEASE lose the word “retard” from your vocabulary
Daddy and Emmett

PLEASE lose the word “retard” from your vocabulary

It's ironic that I spend my days trying to help my children NOT lose words from their vocabulary and here I am asking you to lose the word "retard" from yours. In 2011, why do I still hear people using the word "retard" to describe persons with special needs? I personally find it offensive, ignorant and it speaks to the character of the person using it. When the word "retard" is used to describe a person with special needs, it's degrading, dehumanizing and grossly inappropriate. One of the most painful experiences in my life is hearing people refer to my beautiful children as "retards". You wouldn't believe how often it actually happens. It literally takes EVERYTHING in me not respond or even go on the offensive. Those of you with…